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7A Unit4 Main task Teaching Record 课堂教学实录 Title (课题):牛津版初中英语 7A Unit4 Food (Main task) Period (课时) :Period 6 Time (执教时间): 23 May, 2010 Class (执教班级):Grade 1 Libao Middle School Teacher (执教老师): Cao Wenjun Teaching procedures(教学过程): 一、情境创设,新知导入 Step 1: Warm-up Revision 1. Check the exercises in groups. T: Boys and girls, today we are going to discuss healthy eating. As usual, let’s do the exercises on the paper. (给3分钟做,然后讨论结果) T: OK, please check your answers in groups. 【设计意图】小组合作完成导学练习展示自己作业,相互交流学习体会。2. Introduction 对话导入新课 Group1: T: We all now we should try our best to keep healthy, but do you know how to keep healthy? S1:We can do more exercise. T: How often do you exercise? S1: Every day. T: Ok, is he healthy? Ss:Yes. Group2: S2:We should have enough sleep. T: Yes ,that’s a good idea. Do you agree with me? Ss:yes. T: How long do you sleep every day? S2: For about 7 hours. Group3: S3: We should have healthy eating T: Ok, but do you know how to eat healthily? S3: We should eat more vegetables and less meat. T: Good. But why? 【设计意图】由话题讨论展开,自然引入新课学习 二、合作探究,自主学习 Step 2: Presentation T: Let’s read the form about healthy eating on page 71. (学生自学,标注生词,老师行间走动,个别辅导) 呈现单词:calories Vitamins (领读,学生读)【设计意图】让学生通过图表的阅读理解单词以及食品知识在语境中结合关键词讨论自己的饮食习惯,有利于激发学生兴趣。教师引导、学生合作探究。Step 3: Practice (就表格内容展开问答,巩固所学生词) How many calories are there in one glass of orange juice? What vitamin is there in one glass of orange juice? Which kind of drink/fruit/meat has the most calories/vitamins? Which is the best drink/fruit? Are vegetables healthy? Why? What should we eat more to keep fit and stay healthy? Why? What do you usually eat for dinner? Is your diet healthy? Why or why not? Do you want to change your diet? Why? 【设计意图】让学生通过问答活动进一步巩固并运用单词。 Step 4: T: Before the class, you have designed a diet for yourself. Please show it to your partner and discuss how healthy the food you like. (小组交流个人食谱,讨论食物的calories and vitamins.用本单元学过的知识发表


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