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movement 運動,活動[U][C] He lay there without movement. 他躺在那裡,一動也不動。 動作,姿態[C] 傾向;動向;變遷[C][U] There is a movement towards simple designs in clothing. 時下服裝設計趨於樸素。 (政治,社會,思想)運動[C][G] Were starting a movement against smoking. 我們正掀起一場反對吸煙的運動。 【音】樂章;速度,拍子[C] 【機】機構;裝置[C] 通便[C] 行動,動靜[P] The police are carefully watching the movements of the suspicious character carefully. 警察密切注意著那個可疑人物的行動。 mud 毫無價值的東西 He must have been insane to sell his car for the mud. 他竟把汽車當廢品賣掉,準是瘋了。 nest 巢;窩;穴;(鳥等的)一窩,一群 A bird lays eggs in the nest it has built. 鳥將蛋下在自己所築的巢裡。 安樂窩,舒適之處 The husband and wife built themselves a comfortable nest. 夫婦倆為自己築了個安樂窩。 (盜賊等的)巢窟;(罪惡等的)溫床[(+of)] The city was a nest of crime. 這個城市是罪惡的溫床。 object 物體[C] I dont know the names of the objects in this lab. 我不知道這個實驗室裡物件的名稱。 對象;目標[C][(+of)] 目的,宗旨[C] What is the object of his visit? 他這次訪問的目的是什麼? operation 操作;運轉[U] The operation of this machine is simple. 這個機器的操作很簡單。 經營;營運[U] The operation of a railroad needs many men. 鐵路的營運需要很多人。 作用;效力[U][C] The operation of natural law is constant. 自然法則的作用是永恆的。 活動;工作;事[C][P1] The rescue operation lasted three days. 救援活動持續了三天。 【醫】手術[C][(+on/for)] Her father underwent a major operation last week. 她父親上周動了一次大手術。 軍事行動,作戰[C][P1] The general was in command of operations in the north. 將軍負責指揮北方的作戰行動。 交易,買賣[C][P1] He continued his operations in cotton futures. 他繼續進行棉花期貨交易。 opinion 意見,見解;主張[C][U][(+of/on/about)] Opinions differ on this matter. 對這件事各人看法不一。 評價[S] 輿論[U] Opinion is shifting in favor of the Presidents new policy. 輿論正轉向支持總統的新政策。 pattern 花樣,圖案 I dont like the pattern on the fabric. 我不喜歡那塊布料上的圖案。 形態,樣式;格局 They like new patterns of family life. 他們喜歡新的家庭生活方式。 樣品,樣本 (服裝裁剪的)紙樣,(澆鑄用的)模具 Mary used a paper pattern to make her new dress. 瑪麗按照紙樣縫製她的新衣服。 模範,榜樣,典型[S1] This hospital is a pattern of what a good hospital should be. 這家醫院就是好醫院的榜樣。 peace 和平;和約;和睦[S] We live in peace with our neighbors. 我們與鄰居和睦相處。 (社會)治安,秩序[the S] (心的)平靜,安詳;寧靜[U] I told him to go away and leave me in peace. 我叫他走開,別來打擾我。 period 時期,期間


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