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614 SENSOR ENCODER COUNTER INFORMATION H M I P L C Visit our website ▼ KOYO ELECTRONICS INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. GENERAL CATALOG 2016 Latest catalog (free) is available online. Certification Certification List of Discontinued Model Nos. Model Number Index Where does the Warranty Responsibility Lie as to the Compliance with These Directives? Ultimately, the manufacturer bears all responsibility to the extent of various small points. The manufacturer must perform tests on products and document not only all test results but also installation procedures necessary to comply with the directives. Companies that install machines are obliged to install products in ways that guarantee the maintenance of compliance. Moreover, when combining products, it is necessary to perform tests as to whether products can or cannot comply with the directives if used together. End-users of products must comply with directives that cover the maintenance and disposal of products and various parts. Although Koyo Electronics Industries is making the utmost effort to provide the best support to users, it is impossible to perform tests on our products by making as many arrangements as all individual directives cite. Therefore, ultimately, it is the customer’s responsibility to make their devices comply with such directives (as a whole) and continuously respond to various directives and training required for compliance. CE Label-affixed Direct Logic Products The DL05, DL06, DL205, D3, and D4 series and terminator I/O PLC systems, which are manufactured by Koyo Electronics Industries, were certied under EU directives in March 2002. If correctly installed and used, products made by Host Engineering, Inc. or FACTS Engineering meet the standard conditions set by the Electromagnetic (EMC) Compatibility Directive, Undervoltage Directive, and the Machinery Safety Directive shown on the next page. * It is expected to change in July 2014. Each time i



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