DIAPENSIACEAE(Flora of China)岩梅科.pdf

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DIAPENSIACEAE(Flora of China)岩梅科

Flora of China 14: 235–237. 2005. DIAPENSIACEAE 岩梅科 yan mei ke Qin Haining (覃海宁)1; Bruce Bartholomew2 Shrublets or perennial herbs, prostrate or decumbent, evergreen, mostly glabrous. Stipules absent. Leaves simple, spirally arr- anged or alternate, often crowded, subsessile or petiolate, pinnately veined. Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic, solitary or in a capitate raceme. Calyx 5-lobed, persistent; lobes free, imbricate. Corolla basally connate, apically lobed, caducous; lobes 5, spreading. Stamens 5[or 10], epipetalous, alternate with corolla lobes if 5; staminodes 5 if present, epipetalous, opposite corolla lobes, scalelike or spatulate; anthers 1- or 2-celled, dehiscing by slits. Ovary superior, 3[or 5]-locular; ovules numerous, axile, anatropous or am- phitropous. Style simple; stigma lobed, capitate, or disciform. Fruit a 3[or 5]-locular capsule, loculicidally dehiscing. Seeds many, small, cylindrical; endosperm copious; embryo straight or slightly curved. Six genera and ca. 15 species: Asia, Europe, North America; three genera (one endemic) and six species (three endemic) in China. Chang Cheyung. 1990. Diapensiaceae. In: Fang Wenpei Hu Wenkuang, eds., Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 56: 109–119. 1a. Shrublets; leaf blade 0.2–1 cm; scape to 2 cm, often ± absent at flowering ................................................................... 1. Diapensia 1b. Perennial herbs from a woody rhizome; leaf blade (0.5–)1.5–12(–15) cm; scape 3–10 cm at flowering. 2a. Flowers in a capitate raceme; filaments pubescent; leaf blade margine entire ......................................................... 2. Berneuxia 2b. Flowers solitary; filaments glabrous; leaf blade margin serrate or occasionally subentire .......................................... 3. Shortia 1. DIAPENSIA Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 141. 1753. 岩梅属 yan mei shu Shrublets, prostrate, compact, often forming a mat or cushion. Stems slender, many-branched. Leaves subsessile, often crowd- ed, margin


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