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The homogeneous q-difference operator

The Homogeneous q-Difference Operator William Y. C. Chen, Amy M. Fu and Baoyin Zhang Center for Combinatorics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, P. R. China chenstation@, fmu@ and zby75@ Abstract. We introduce a q-differential operator Dxy on functions in two variables which turns out to be suitable for dealing with the homogeneous form of the q-binomial theorem as studied by Andrews, Goldman and Rota, Roman, Ihrig and Ismail, et al. The homogeneous versions of the q-binomial theorem and the Cauchy identity are often useful for their specializations of the two parameters. Using this operator, we derive an equivalent form of the Goldman-Rota binomial identity and show that it is a homogeneous generalization of the q-Vandermonde identity. Moreover, the inverse identity of Goldman and Rota also follows from our unified identity. We also obtain the q-Leibniz formula for this operator. In the last section, we introduce the homogeneous Rogers-Szego? polynomials and derive their generating function by using the homogeneous q-shift operator. Keywords: q-binomial theorem, Cauchy polynomials, q-Vandermonde iden- tity, homogeneous q-difference operator, q-Leibniz formula, homogeneous Rogers-Szego? polynomials 1. Introduction We adopt the common conventions and notations on q-series. So we always assume that |q| 1 and use the following notation of the q-shifted factorial: (x; q)0 = 1; (x; q)n = n?1∏ j=0 (1? qjx), n = 1, 2, ...,∞. The basic hypergeometric series rφs is defined as follows [6]: rφs(x1, x2, · · · , xr; y1, y2, · · · , ys; q, t) = rφs [ x1, x2, · · · , xr y1, y2, · · · , ys ; q, t ] = ∞∑ n=0 (x1; q)n(x2; q)n · · · (xr; q)n (y1; q)n(y2; q)n · · · (ys; q)n [ (?1)nq(n2) ]1+s?r tn, 1 where q 6= 0 when r s + 1. The q-binomial coefficient is given by:[ n k ] = (q; q)n (q; q)n?k(q; q)k . The following is the homogeneous form of the q-shifted factorial: Pn(x, y) = (y/x; q)n x n = (x? y)(x? qy) · · · (x? qn?1y). We also have the following basic relations:[ n k ] (?1)kq(k2


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