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2.Can you think of any safety tips to protect yourselves against crime? safety 名词,意为安全,保险. 反义词为danger safe 形容词,意为安全的 safely 副词,意为安全地 e.g. 司机一定要考虑到安全问题. A driver must think of ______ . 我们必须为她找一个安全的地方. We must find a ______ place for her. 飞机安全着陆了. The plane landed ______. There are some new words in the excerpt above, and some sentences with more difficult words are left out. However, you can still answer the four questions that help you get the general idea of the story. Read the following excerpt from A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle. Then answer the questions. 1.Who was the murderer, a man or woman? The murderer was a man. 2. What was the murderer like? He was more than six feet tall, was in the prime of life and had small feet for his height…. 3. How was the murder done? Poison. 4. What is the meaning of “Rache” in German? “Rache” is the German for ‘revenge’. 知识点 Come along, doctor. come along 的用法: 1.一起来 e.g. 他跟我们一起来的. He came along with us. 2.进展 e.g. 工作进展得很顺利. The work is coming along well. 3.出现 e.g.你应该准备好解决随时可能出现的问题. You should be ready to solve any problem that may come along. * We should remember to lock the door. Kidnapping sometimes happen. How can we avoid it? How can we keep ourselves safe? Do you know some safety tips? Mr Wu is asking the Class 1, Grade 9 students to think of some safety tips against crime. Work in groups. Use the conversation below as a model. 1. What does Daniel think of safety tips to protect ourselves against crime? 2. What about Millie? He thinks we should remember to lock the door when we leave home. Millie thinks we’d better shut all the windows. Listen to Part B and answer the questions. 3. What about Simon? 4. What about Peter? 5. What about Sandy? He thinks we shouldn’t carry a lot of money with us. Peter thinks we need to guard against any possible danger ar


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