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教材 初中英语北师大版教材 八年级下 课题 Lesson 13 A Daughters Letter 课型 语法课 教材分析 本单元是本册书的第五个单元,话题是记忆,语法项目是间接引语。在本册书第一单元中,学生对宾语从句进行了学习,对本单元内容有所铺垫。第13课是本单元的第一课,通过一封女儿给妈妈的信展开话题,引出间接引语。主要学习间接引语的陈述句式。 教学内容 间接引语陈述句(人称、时态及常见时间状语变化规则) 教学目标 通过本课学习,学生能够 1. 教学重点 教学资源 多媒体黑板粉笔学案 教学环节 时间安排 教与学的过程 设计意图 Lead-in (’) What did Feifei’s mum always say? Step 2. Lead in indirect speech 通过复习学生已学,导入话题, Language input (3) Step 3. Drilling. Group the sentences. You said that you were proud of me. You said, “I am proud of you.” “I don’t have a chance to tell her”, she mentioned. She mentioned that she didn’t have a chance to tell her. You said, “everything will be fine.” You said that everything would be fine. Step 4. Give the definition 通过分类,对所学内容进行感知,并试着给出定义。 Language Focus (24’) Step 5. Changes in tenses. (1) Observe the sentences and find out the differences between direct speech and indirect speech. (2) Discuss in groups to find out the rules of changes in tenses with the help of the exercise. 直接引语 间接引语 一般现在时 现在进行时 现在完成时 一般过去时 一般将来时 情态动词 (3) Think and find out the exceptions with the help of the examples. 1. He said, “the earth goes around the sun.” 真理 2. He says, “I am good at football.” 主句为一般现在时 3. He said, “Rome isn’t built in a day.” 格言 4. Tom said, “I was born in July, 1978.” 过去时的时间状语 5. She said to me: “You must hurry up.” 部分情态动词 (4)Practice Do the test and find out the problems. Step 6 Changes in time adverbials. (1) Observe the sentences and find out the differences in time adverbials. (2) Try to summarize the rules. 直接引语 间接引语 now today at this moment yesterday last week/month/year tomorrow next week/year He said, “This is fantastic.” this→that/these→those Mary said, “Come here.” come→go/here→there 观察例句,分析并找到直接引语变间接引语时的变化。 通过习题,并进行小组讨论,试总结出直接引语变间接引语时,时态上的变化规则。 试分析出时态不变的特殊情况。 及时操练,查漏补缺。 观察例句,发现除了时态的变化,时间状语也发生了变化。 试总结常用时间状语变化规则。 通过2个例句,试


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