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U6 八下_591151

Unit 6(八下) 西游记 Journey to the West 愚公移山 Yu Gong moves a mountain 所有的土和石头 all the earth and stone 致力于做某事 work on doing sth 一.。。就(2) as soon as+ 句子 the minute + 句子 Continue 后的动词形式 continue to do/ doing 被。。。所感动 be moved by … 令人感动的 moving 提醒某人想起某事 remind sb of sth 提醒某人做某事 remind sb to do sth 除非 及同义词 unless == if ..not (14+3后词) 。。。的故事 the story of… 一个叫做后羿射日的故事 a story named/called Hou Yi shoots the Suns 最受欢迎的故事之一是 女娲补天 One of the most popular stories is Nu Wa repairs the Sky 有点热 (3) a little bit/ a little/ a bit hot 似乎很高兴(2) seem to be very happy == seem very happy 向某人微笑 smile at sb 一切皆有可能(2) Anything is possible == Nothing is impossible 放弃做某事 give up doing sth 保持做某事 keep doing sth 同意某人 agree with sb 其它解决问题的途径 other ways to solve the problem(s) 第一次去森林 (2) go to the forest for the first time It’s the first time to go to the forest. 两名天神 two gods 女神 goddess 别画了,写吧(2) Don’t draw. Write instead. Write instead of drawing. 既不也不两者都不 neither A nor B + 动词 就近原则 我不去,她也不去 (否定倒装) I don’t go. Neither does she. 在十一月八日的早上 on the morning of November 8(th) Can 的同义短语 be able to 听说 hear of 收到某人的信 hear from sb 听到某人在做某事 hear sb doing sth 听到某人经常做某事 hear sb do sth 主要人物 main character 在中国传统中 in the traditional Chinese book(s) 事实上 in face A 看起来像 B(3) look /be like take after be similar to 形状大小 shape and size 把A变成B turn A into B 金箍棒 the magic stick 如此。。。以至。。。。 及其同义句3种 So + 形容词/副词 + that + 句子 Such a + 形+ 单名+ that + 句子 Such + 形+ 复名/ 不可数名+ that + 句子 too + 形容词/副词 + to do sth (not) + 形容词/副词+ enough + to do sth 让某人兴奋 excite sb 人感到兴奋的 excited 物令人兴奋的 exciting 出来, 草发芽, 书出版 come out 对。。。感兴趣(2) be/ become interested in 弱者 the weak 对。。。不擅长 be weak at 没时间做某事 have no/little time to do sth don’t have any time to do sth 王子爱上公 Prince falls/fell in love with princess 嫁给某人 marry sb 结婚 get married Stop 后的动词形式 st


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