A Linguistic Study of Extreme Word in Slogans in English teaching 英语专业毕业论文.doc

A Linguistic Study of Extreme Word in Slogans in English teaching 英语专业毕业论文.doc

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A Linguistic Study of Extreme Word in Slogans in English teaching Abstract: The present thesis studies the use of extreme words in English slogans in English teaching. Altogether 152 slogans are collected containing extreme words. It is noticed that superlative forms are the most favourite extreme words in the advertising slogans.The pragmatic effects of these words are analyzed from the perspective of the Cooperative Principle Theory. It is found that almost slogans with these extreme words definitely violates quality maxim. Basing on the flouting of quality maxim in the slogans, the rest of maxims violate more frequently to achieve various outcomes. Keywords: extreme word, advertising slogan,cooperative principle, pragmatic effect 摘 要:本文研究了极端词语在英语教学中的使用及其效果。共搜集了152条相关语例。我们发现形容词最高级在英语广告标语中最受欢迎。大多数的极端词语一旦出现在广告标语就违反了合作原则中的质原则,在违反质原则的基础上又出现了量准则及关联原则的违反,在课堂上对标语的使用给学生带来丰富的语用效果。 关键词:极端词语;广告标语;英语教学;合作原则;语用效果 A Linguistic Study of Extreme Word in Slogans in English teaching 1. Introduction 1.1 The issue There have been amounts of linguistic research on advertising language, including both advertising texts (e.g., 程晓丽 2008) and advertising slogans (e.g., 裴燕萍2007). 程晓丽 (2008) reveals how interpersonal meaning is realized in English advertising discourse from four aspects (person, mood, modality and evaluation) while裴燕萍(2007) illustrates in what occasion puns should be used in advertising slogans. Most of these studies aim to describe the linguistic features of and linguistic devices used in advertising, as well as the pragmatic effect they help to achieve. Another group of research attempts to solve problems in translation from English advertising slogans to Chinese or vice versa. For instance, 蒋磊(2002) argues that a pragmatic equivalence and failure in advertising translation are due to influences of cultural differences between Chinese and English. Although many insights have obtained about linguistic devices in the advertising language, relatively few have fo


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