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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 2015年12月12日大陆托福考试口语真题回顾解析范文- 智课教育旗下智课教育 备考托福的小伙伴们注意了,托福真题是你不可缺少的备考利器, 智课教育小编给大家整理了12月12日托福考试口语真题解析范文! 备考托福的小伙伴们注意了,托福真题是你不可缺少的备考利器, 智课教育小编给大家整理了12月12日托福口语真题。小伙伴们,赶紧来 看托福口语真题回顾!这里是不容错过的托福口语 备考资源,希望其中的解析可以让大家距离考场更近一步 Task1 If your university is going to invite someone to give a speech, who do you think they should invite? A businessman, a scientist or a politician? Personally speaking, I think its a good idea to invite a scientist to give a speech in my university. Ive got two reasons. First of all, students can benefit academically from a scientists speech. Take myself as an example, my university invited a environmental research scientist to give a speech regarding global warming. Even though it was not my major, I still learnt quite a lot from it. I learnt that in urban area, gas-tail emission contributes to more than 30% of the air pollution. And the scientist also shared several day-to-day things we ordinary people could do to protect the environment Secondly, scientists usually have some really amazing life stories of themselves about how their passion for science affected their life‘ 1 find these stories extremely inspiring and they usually have a positive influence on me as well. Task2 If you have a misunderstanding with your friend, do you prefer talking it out in a public place or in a private place? If I ever got into such an awkward situation with my friend, I guess I would feel more comfortable talking about it in a public place. Firstly, people are usually more restrained in a public place, so its less likely things will get out of control For instance, once my mom got into a fight with her friend, and my mom invited the friend home to talk it out. At first my mom wanted to apologize, but the friend just kept pushing her buttons until my mom couldnt take it any more. In the end they got into an even bigger fight . But if it was in a public place, I guess both my mom and her friend would have to think twice about their attitude and behav



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