
3BDD016540-EN_-001(ABB Weighting System Loadcell).pdf

3BDD016540-EN_-001(ABB Weighting System Loadcell).pdf

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3BDD016540-EN_-001(ABB Weighting System Loadcell)

Rugged – Reliable – Accurate Weighing Systems for the Metals Industry Online Weighing Systems Load information available at all times The load information is immediately and continuously available with our weighing system without the need for any additional operations. This means that you have better overview of stock and recipes with an immediate effect on material consumption and the time taken to prepare batches. System Integration Weighing data can also be integrated across the plant in process data handling, warehouse and logging systems to provide general moni- toring and quality control. Rugged Design Particularly suitable for scales in harsh environmental conditions Specially design solutions available Highly resistant to the influences of the ambient temperature High Accuracy and Reliability Heavy demands are made on weighing systems for use in metal-processing and heavy industries because they are an important component in the process chain. It must be guaranteed that all the components used work safely, accurately and reliably in a harsh operating environment. ABBs many years of experience has enabled it to develop weighing systems which eminently meet these requirements. Our weighing systems, which are especially designed for these environmental conditions, can withstand impact loads and high overloads without a loss of accuracy. Custom Solutions We offer a wide range of load cells and solutions for: Cranes and platforms in all environments Scrap weighing systems Blast furnace weighing systems Container scales Charging scales Hopper scales Prompt and accurate weighing information always available matched to requirements, even under harsh environmental conditions. 2 Experience and Know-how ABB has decades of experience and know- how in the field of accurate and reliable measurement of flatness, position, tensile force, thickness or torque in continuous operation. The Force Measurement Division of ABB is the worlds leading supplier of advance


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