The Donaldson-Thomas instantons on compact Kahler threefolds and a convergence.pdf

The Donaldson-Thomas instantons on compact Kahler threefolds and a convergence.pdf

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The Donaldson-Thomas instantons on compact Kahler threefolds and a convergence

a r X i v : 0 8 0 5 .2 1 9 6 v 1 [ m a t h .D G ] 1 5 M a y 2 0 0 8 The Donaldson-Thomas instantons on compact Ka?hler threefolds and a convergence Yuuji Tanaka Abstract In this article, we prove a version of compactness theorem of the Donaldson-Thomas instantons of an SU(2) vector bundles over a com- pact Ka?hler threefold. 1 Introduction Let Y be a compact Ka?hler threefold with the Ka?hler form ω, and E = (E,h) a hermitian vector bundle of rank r over Y . We consider the following equations for a connection A of E, which preserves the hermitian structure of E, and an End(E)-valued (0,3)-form u on Y : F 0,2A + ?? ? Au = 0, (1.1) F 1,1A ∧ ω2 + [u, u?] = λ(E)IEω3, (1.2) where λ(E) is a constant defined by λ(E) := 3(c1(E) · [ω]2) r[ω]3 . We call these equations the Donaldson-Thomas equations, and a solution (A,u) to these equations Donaldson-Thomas instanton. In [Ta1], we studied local structures of the moduli space of the Donaldson- Thomas instantons such as the infinitesimal deformation and the Kuranishi map of the moduli space. Subsequently, we proved a weak compactness theorem of the Donaldson- Thomas instantons of an SU(2) vector bundles over a Ka?hler threefold in [Ta2], more precisely, we proved the following: 1 a sequence {(An, un)} of the Donaldson-Thomas instantons of an SU(2) vector bundle over a compact Ka?hler threefold Y has a converging subse- quence outside a closed subset S in Y , whose real 2-dimensional Haus- dorff measure is finite, provided that the L2 norms of det un are uniformly bounded. In this article, we study “n/2-convergence” of the Donaldson-Thomas instantons. This sort of analysis was developed by L.M. Sibner [S] for the Yang-Mills and the coupled Yang-Mills fields, and the convergence results were obtained by X. Zhang [Z1], [Z1]. We prove the following for the Donaldson-Thomas instantons: Theorem 4.1 . Let {(An, un)} be a sequence of Donaldson-Thomas in- stantons of an SU(2) vector bundle E over a compact Ka?hler threefold Y wi


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