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Module1 unit1 It’s more than twenty thousand kilometers long. 教学目标: 1.学会听、说句子 These postcards are great! It’s a picture of the Great Wall. 2.运用Tell me more的操练来了解讲诉某个地方(事件)的情况。 3.学习新单词:?than, more, thousand, kilometers, million, something 4.学会听How long,How big开头的特殊疑问句。 5.用一般过去式来描述自己曾经旅游过的地方。 ?教学重点: 1.学会听、说句子 These postcards are great! It’s a picture of the Great Wall. 2.运用Tell me more的说话操练来了解The Great Wall , New York,??Beijing 情况。 教学难点: 1.流利说一些简单的表达It ’s very big.??It’s got ---. That is big。??That’s a lot. 2.了解关于数词的表达about eight million people ,????about??six thousand seven hundred kilometers 教具: Tape, card, photos, postcards?? 教学过程: 教学过程: 修改及补充 Step1 Warming-up 1、T: Where have you been in the summer holiday? I have been to …(建议他们通过展图片和照片介绍相关的情况,并要求使用It’s a picture of ----.??It’s very---.) ???T: “Do you know this place?”??? S: Yes, It’s --- ???T: “Can you tell me something about it????S: Yes, It’s --- Step2 Lead-in 1、“look,a beautiful postcards” 板书跟读几遍。师出示一些名信片说“在名信片的一面printed a lot of beautiful pictures ,such as, the Great Wall, The Huangshan Mountain, 师说“It’s a picture about the Great Wall. 跟读板书,学生看图片练习说It’s a picture---句子。 2.学生跟读后(长城)学生将课前准备收集好关于的资料用汉语进行讨论,当两三个学生说一部分时师:“刚才讲得很好,Tell me more(板书)两三个学生再介绍长城时师又说Tell me more这时Do you know”师英语再Do you know??the Chinese meaning “Tell me more”. Yes(再告诉我一些)师解释说也可以说Tell me more about The Great Wall 板书并解释汉语意思 3.学习单词, hundred??thousand??million ,kilometers people卡片跟读 师问“Tell me more about the Great Wall. How long is it? 学生用汉语回答后,师出示It’s about 6,700米???再跟读thousand seven hundred kilometers师问“Tell me something about New York. How big is it? 学生用汉语回答后,师出示It’s got 8,000,000人再跟读eight million people师问“Tell me something about Beijing . How big is it? 学生用汉语回答后,师出示It’s got 14,000,000人???再跟读??fourteen??million people Step3Practice 学习常用口语That is big.??That’s a lot!??It’s very big.跟师朗读。Listen and say: Who is Simon? Who is Daming? Where are they? What are they doing? (再听录音,要求学生勾画出文中的重要的信息?关于长城,纽约,北京他们都谈了什么?情学生模仿跟读,并注意人物所使用的语言。把全班


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