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Module 1 Unit 1 Nice to meet you. 琐斜佐铭煤舍棒郁充伊鬃宁峡匹莆挺汀凄常翁啡棉犁骄渊贩戏蜘款哭渴竣m1m1 Chinese from where how old year America England China n. 中国人;汉语 prep. 从……来 adv. 在哪里,去哪里 几岁 n. 年龄;年 n. 美国;美洲 n. 英格兰 n. 中国 Words and expressions 咆闸酱夕制蹲雕皮锥赐恍恍蔡缓瑟虫碧殿芯奏滑耗衬衷郝虱槛蹋际烛昭硫m1m1 3 Check (√) the true sentences. 1. Ms Li is from Wuhan. 2. Lingling is twelve years old. 3. Daming is thirteen years old. 4. Tony is not in Class Four. 5. Betty is from America. √ √ 翠伤吝槛秀饯拥揍苦作婚惟坊晒栏字囚钾弱毋钳创唯萄脏敖尸豪赵函唉闹m1m1 4 Work in pairs. Choose the correct answer. 1 —Is Daming from Beijing? —Yes, he is./No, he isn’t. 2 —Is Lingling from Beijing? —Yes, she is./No, she isn’t. 3 —Is Tony from America? —Yes, he is./No, he isn’t. 4 —Is Betty English? —Yes, she is./No, she isn’t. 5 —Are you from China? —Yes, I am./No, I’m not. 潜刊涉笑闻觉虱归海呸规驮旦道脑琐王戏夺痴空赚棺傻跪肄民岂溜坝任频m1m1 Read and complete the table. Name Age (年龄) Job(工作) City (城市) Country (国家) Ms Li Lingling Daming Tony / / Betty / / teacher Wuhan China thirteen student Beijing China twelve student Beijing China student England Introduce them according to the table. student America 体痢悠聪约经烧姜片惧光胀升失哨擞稍茫摄刃蒲磕瞳伺赴囚剃舰淆决庭壹m1m1 1. I’m from Wuhan. 我来自武汉。(我是武汉人。) 这里be from表示“来自哪里”、“从哪里来的”或“是哪里人”。 They are from England. 他们是从英国来的。(他们是英国人。) 如果不强调从哪里来,只是要说明身 份,也可以说: He’s a Beijinger. 他是北京人。 They’re English. 他们是英国人。 Language points 攒洪颇哑昂钓群速攀矢羌业提轴背盒推扭涅恭芭因傍迈温昧奎欺希豺蜡快m1m1 3. I’m from China and I’m Chinese. 我来自中国,我是中国人。 在表达来自某个国家时,要使用国名。 如:China, Canada等等。如果要强调 是某国人时,则要用其形容词形式。 如:Chinese, English等等。 另:be from=come from eg: Tom is from America.=Tom comes from America.汤姆来自美国。 俯严奔诽拓桌签粟闯板箩晃婉陵葛溢逐股尝隧胯腊宽卢大浮美家新伪移乎m1m1 相互熟悉的人见面打招呼可用 How are you? How are you? I’m fine. Thanks. 初次见面一般用 How do you do? (较正式) Nice to meet you. 是经人介绍初次见面,或见面彼此介绍后常用的礼貌用语。 2. Nice to meet you, Lingling. 见到你很高兴,玲玲。 詹像枕画部锭它校遵太吧棘讯丹妓似臃迅辅媚估绷棺鹅毫脏竟裳舆便烁雄m1m1 3. —How old are you? 你几岁了? —I’m thirteen years old. 我十三岁了。 这里…years old 用来表述年龄,表


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