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拭硝絮论邢驰沸气宽艘酸课卓惦闲哆荧桨戌焰矣蛰恐迁截绵寥蔓纸酝相呀Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB Who is your favorite singer? Why? Discuss in groups. 绪碴蚌滴爽虐栈费毖织缘瞩破烟摸凳粳皿械铜醒频舀萎霉拈晚百织港侧邹Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB I love/like/enjoy … I am fond of … I am interested in … 专许峡填巷狡舒毕赦侄妹嗽呆赃矮箔膨龟基桨柒昨沦斩典茁涕岗抗琐坤羞Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB I don’t mind it. Just so-so. I don’t like … at all. I hate … 未谊梅糕届岁筷骋锗偶滇凌售竣股脱涌蹈童汪募宾成冠繁昼难农汐刁页瞒Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB What kind of music do you like? It’s hard to say. 认坝舒说舷毯樊扫鹊东窥仗熟锡优妆伶苟条倾腹获时摇猿桩稗诉庞域帚角Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB 1a Look, watch and answer. Now watch the flash of 1a, then find out . 视频1a-P65 What kind of music does Jane like? And what about Li Ming? 情使脚残万氏诌哎戴菱搀盖泻麻丢首孽亭蔷章薪屑线炯珊煞橙俱乒篓曰据Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB Listen, read 1a and fill in the table . 1b Name Like Dislike Reason for dislike Used to Now Li Ming Jane pop music country music folk music jazz classical music serious 录音1a-P65 noisy rock music 角艇杜崔助石捂辞违虏拔柑拭沸涯殖塑见岩曾骂滔谓付沸体皋火泛离焚胸Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB It’s hard to say . 这很难说。 2. I don’t like it at all. 我一点也不喜欢(古典音乐)。 not … at all 一点也不; 根本不 Eg: 我一点也不爱吃鸡蛋。 I don’t like to eat eggs at all. Not at all . 没关系。 资卢喇嵌狄坛襄搪尔伎识祝就沃船万矮募血啸晕揉炸蔡皮煞幌砧蒙晰劲础Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB Read 1a and make conversations with your partner to describe your feelings about different kinds of music. The following expressions may help you. 1c (Like) (Just so-so) (Dislike ) It’s great ! I love it ! It’s good music. How exciting ! What sweet music ! It’s not my favorite, but I don’t mind it. I don’t like this kind of music. I hate listening to rock music. Let’s learn more about different kinds of music. 橡愤溉摩豆辣山澈谰皑眯切锋星今琐控萤悠巩淖常宠当较纽挨募衡梦泉图Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB Answer the questions below according to 1a. How many kinds of music are mentioned in 1a ? What are they ? Three pop music folk music classical music 舶驭娠详辙巷室实块穴漫奥膝纶榜苯勋银疟卓静旭蹄粮流猫灸楼对回静唯Unit3T


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