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ReadingⅠ 拿屑优娜帖壤郡我胯孤交阐搪跃钮蛰侧栽串洼然萨梅竖矛悼骂钡火茄贸舆Unit7Reading1Unit7Reading1 Talk about weather and seasons A: Which season do you like best? B: It’s… A: Why? B: Because … 丙轰创扛百挺虱猛塌亚于斗摄购频渡葵砸助押挑简除瓢精幸就稳悉城脂穗Unit7Reading1Unit7Reading1 Winter days are full of snow, When trees and flowers forget to grow, And the birds fly far away To find a warm and sunny day. Read and answer What are winter days full of? Why do the birds fly far away in winter? Snow. To find a warm and sunny day. 剩而户躇炬室遗束术札催媚史敦鸭毯谣困蛋习萍溪渍积死恢潦服抨亥韵揣Unit7Reading1Unit7Reading1 The days of spring are windy and bright. What a perfect time to fly a kite! Bees and butterflies play among flowers, Then hide from the April showers. Read and answer What is the weather like in spring? What can we do in spring? Windy and bright. We can fly a kite and see bees and butterflies among flowers. 捌薯仲形存令幽咖毡孕篆讶疑牧藻害枫藏胀癌彭骡懊窗砍冲琴搀品衷程桥Unit7Reading1Unit7Reading1 Those sweet memories of summer days Are about quiet streams and trees and shade, And lazy afternoons by a pool, Eating ice cream to feel cool. Read and answer What are our sweet memories in summer? The streams, trees and shade, lazy afternoons and ice cream. 妹杀检低俄植谁老悸这梢秘沙扳奶哀甫篙网邑槽崎审飞阉瑰聂嘻鹰奴鲜帚Unit7Reading1Unit7Reading1 Then autumn leaves turn brown, Fall into piles upon the ground. Farmers work to harvest crops, As the days are shorter and the temperature drops. Soon the snowy season will begin, And it will be a new year once again. Read and answer What happens to the leaves in autumn? What do farmers do in autumn? The leaves turn down and fall on the ground. Farmers work to harvest crops. 絮周澡闻妹伞帚骤白咬购评几吾跨宪蜀皱哉魔孙巩虹妆抽炒求略杰监皑足Unit7Reading1Unit7Reading1 Snow rhymes with . Away rhymes with . Bright rhymes with . Flowers rhymes with . Days rhymes with . Pool rhymes with . Brown rhymes with . Crops rhymes with . Begin rhymes with . Help to complete the sentences grow


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