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Manage a Meeting in English 会议全掌控 Calling a Meeting 会议召集 CONTENTS Manage a Meeting in English Calling a Meeting Meeting Agenda Conducting a Meeting Types of Meetings Center Address 会议全掌控 会议召集 会议议程 主持会议 会议模式 华尔街英语各中心地址 Meeting management is a skill that is often overlooked. If meetings are not managed well, they can become little more than expensive, unproductive drills. Even simple, informal, daily-routine meetings must be organised to justify taking up employees time. Time is money, and meetings consume a good deal of each. To ensure effective meetings, preparedness on the parts of all participants is essential. 会议管理是一种常会被人忽视的技巧。 如果会议的管理不佳,它们将与昂贵且 毫无生产力的训练演习无异。即使是简 短、非正式的日常会议,也需要合理占 用员工的时间。时间就是金钱,而会议 既花费时间也消耗金钱。为了确保会议 的效果,对每一位与会者的方方面面有 所准备是必不可少的。 There are a number of ways that you may call a meeting. Some meetings are announced by e-mail, and others are posted on bulletin boards. If a meeting is announced at the end of another meeting, it is important to issue a reminder. A reminder can also come in the form of an e-mail or notice. Verbal announcements or reminders should always be backed up by documented ones. The date, location, time, length, and purpose of the meeting should be included. It is also important to indicate exactly who is expected to attend. If you are planning on allocating someone to take on a certain role, make personal contact with that person to inform them of his or her duty. 召集一场会议的方式多种多样。有些会 议通知是以电子邮件方式发布,另外一 些则张贴在公告栏上。如果一场会议结 束的同时召集了另外一场会议,那么会 前发一个提示信息是非常重要的。提示 信息同样可以用电子邮件或书面方式发 布。口头通知或提醒之后应该附以书面 通知,其中要说明会议的日期、地点、 时间、长度和议题。同样重要的是,应 该明确指出可能会有谁参加。如果你计 划指定某人承担一定的角色,要与其私 下联系并告知他/她所要承担的责任。 Sample E-mail: 电子邮件范例: Subject: Meeting 主题:会议 Hi Everyone, 大家好, We will be having a meeting next Friday from 2:00 PM-4:00 PM in Room 3. 我们将在下周五下午2:00至4:00举行一场 会议,地点定于三号房间。 All project leaders are expected to attend. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss project status, we are also expecting to kick start a few new p


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