2 连续油管作业车使用说明书(EN).pdf

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ASEP-HIGHLAND CoilTruck Unit 胜利油田高原石油装备有限责任公司 SHENGLI OILFIELD HIGHLAND PETROLEUM EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD. Fig 1:CoilTruck Unit 1.Drop-in Chassis (8×8)2.Elevatding Control Cabin 3. Tubing Reel 4. Hose 5.BOP Stack 6.QuadHead 80H Injector 8×8Chassis, 12m L: Excellent Off-road Performance replaced Reel : Large Tubing Capacity QuadHead 80H Injector : 4.5in through bore, excellent performance and better tubing protection “Dry”Type Control Cabin : Offer impeccable user working environment SmartMonitor Control System: All- digital control, display and recording The Most Ideal CTU for the Oilfields in China ! 胜利油田高原石油装备有限责任公司 SHENGLI OILFIELD HIGHLAND PETROLEUM EQUIPMENT CO. LTD. Content Chapter 1 Unit Description 1 1.1 CoilTruck 1 1.2 Specifications 1 1.3 Features and Benefits 2 Chapter 2 Technical Specification 5 2.1 Dimensions 5 2.2 Operating Envelope – Arctic to Desert r 5 2.3 Cabin Specification 5 2.4 Surface Preparation 5 2.5 Truck Base 5 2.6 Hydraulic System 6 2.7 Tubing Reel (Drum) 6 Chapter 3 Hydraulic and Electrical System 8 3.1 Pump 8 3.2 Accumulators 8 3.3 Hose Reels 8 3.4 Electrical System 10 Chapter 4 Assembly Description 10 4.1 self-propelled chassis 10 4.1.1 Specifications 10 4.1.2 Working Mechanism 11 4.1.3 Structure 12 4.2 Replaced Tubing Reel 12 4.2.1 Specifications 13 4.2.2 Working Mechanism 13 4.2.3 Structure 14 4.3 QuadHead 80H Injector 14 4.3.1 Specifications 15 4.3.2 Working


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