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PAGE   PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 12 A Data-Driven Service Platform for Building Digital Libraries 1Chunxiao Xing, 2Ming Zhang, 1Yong Zhang, 1Lemen Chao, 1Lizhu Zhou 1TResearch Institute of Information Technology Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China {xingcx,zhangyong05}@, chaolemen@, dcszlz@ 2Department of Computer Science and Technology, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China mzhang@ Abstract: Digital Libraries are faced with new opportunity and challenge brought by the latest technological advances – the cross-domain distributed network and heterogeneous data-driven demands. To meet with this challenge, we are perusing a Cross-domain Sharing and Service Support Platform project. The major goals of the project are: (1) to conduct a concrete requirement analysis for the data-driven applications and cross-domain sharing; (2) to extend the Digital Object Model by object decomposing and to form the Digital Services Object Model to support digital library development; and (3) to design an architecture for the cross-domain sharing and service support platform as the data access middleware for building digital libraries conveniently. This paper presents the major contributions of our work in digital resource service modeling and platform architecture. As a show case for the platform application, the paper briefs iDLib – a digital library system that offers cross-domain data access and personalized services. Keywords: digital library, data-driven, cross-domain sharing, cross-domain service, iDLib Introduction With the development of information technology, data are becoming an important factor in driving organizational behaviors. In the networked world, when the amount of data are growing exponentially, it is increasingly important to solve the crucial problems such as how to cross-domain share distributed, heterogeneous, dynamic, and vast amounts o


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