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Summarize for TS02, TS01(ADA03N) application Recommended final depth (thickness) of Dielectric : under 6 mm 推荐的最终绝缘介质层(面板)的厚度:6MM以下。 For non-direct type application, choice of Dielectric material is important. 对于非直接接触式的应用来说,绝缘介质材料的选择是很重要的。 Manufacturers have to select nonconducting material for Dielectric such as plastic, PC or ABS, acryl, glass and so on. 制造商必须选择绝缘体材料来作为介质例如塑料、PC、 ABS、亚克力或者玻璃等等。 At this time, coating and painting material also must be non-conducting type. If not, there will be errors in sensing operation. 同时,绝缘介质上的喷涂和附着材料也一定是绝缘的。 否则,在操作过程中触控感应将出现差错。 Sensing principal of TS02 TS02感应的主要原理: When human has contact to Touch pad, electric charge in the human body will be accumulated through the Touch pad. 当人体接触感应焊盘时,在人体里的电荷将被通过感应焊盘积累。 This change of capacitance value can be detected by TS02. TS02可以探测到电容量的这种变化 Output of TS02 : Open collector type, output is digital level, if touch point is touched by finger, output is Low voltage, if non-touched, output is High voltage. ( High or low level : 5V, 0V when supply voltage is 5V) . TS02的输出:OC开路数字量输出。当接触感应焊盘时,输出是低电平;当不接触时,输出是高电平(如果供电电压是5V,输出的高、低电平分别是5V,0V)。 Regarding control method of MCU, there are several cases as followings. 关于与MCU的连接方式,主要有以下两种情形: one to one control by direct connecting : In case of this, it needs the same number of available MCU ports. 与MCU一对一地直接相连。这种情况下需要同样数量的MCU引脚。 Using AD converter port of MCU : ADC port of MCU can control multiple output of TS02. 通过AD转换与MCU相连:MCU的ADC端口可以连接多个TS02输出。 Supply Voltage : 3.3V ~ 5.0V 供给电压:3.3V ~ 5.0V TS02 Application Circuit Diagram TS02 的应用电路图 TS01(ADA03N) Application Circuit Diagram TS01(ADA03N) 的应用电路图 CL : Capacitor for stable power supply, using over 100nF value. CL : 稳定电源的电容器(退耦电容), 一般值取100nF以上(≥0.1uf)。 R0:Pull up resistor like R01 is used because why output of TS02 is open-drain type. 因为TS01(ADA03N)、TS02输出是开路的,所以必须加R0/R01/R02等上拉电阻。 Cs : capacitor for compensate sensitivity Cs


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