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1 I have some good news
and some bad news for
you (as the joke goes). The
bad news – and Im very
sorry to be the bearer – is
that we are all dying. Its
true. Ive checked it out.
In fact, Ive double - and
triple-checked it. Ive had;
Its something that I always kind of knew, but never really chose to think about too much. But the fact is, within the next 70 or 80 years – depending on how old you are and how long you last – we are all going to be either coffin dwellers or trampled ash in the rose garden of some local cemetery. We may not even last that long. After all, we never quite know when the hooded, scythe-carrying, bringer-of-the-last-breath might come-a-calling. It could
be sooner than wed like. I have watched death from the sidelines, quite recently in fact, and nothing underlines the uncertainty and absolute frailty of humanity like the untimely exit of a friend. ;
2 Scary.
3 Now that I have depressed you, heres the good news. Knowing that we are all budding crypt-kickers takes away all the uncertainty of life. We already know how the story ends. The prologue and epilogue are already typed in. All thats left is the middle bit and thats down to us. We get to choose the meat of the story.;
4 So, all those plans that you have on the back burner, you know,
the great things youre going to do with your life when the time is right? Well, the time is never quite right, I find. It needs to be
brought forward and done now, this minute, pronto, in a hurry, as quick as your little legs will carry you. The novel that you want to
write, the trip to the Grand Canyon youve always planned to take, your minds-eye dream-job, the West End play you want to direct –
you have to do them now. Were dying, see. Its official.
5 So putting your dreams on the back burner until the
circumstances are right means that theyll probably never be
realized. Our only regrets in life are the things we dont do. We owe it to ourselves to go out and do t
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