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PHY100 ― The Nature of the Physical World Lecture 20 Cosmology, Inflation, dark matter Arán García-Bellido PHY100 1 News Presentations: One speaker only (20 minute talks) You can do demonstrations, videos, etc... Test the equipment in Hoyt beforehand Emphasize scientific aspects, link to topics seen in course You will be evaluated by the rest of the class You have to make it interesting and explain the physics well Everyone should learn something from the talks You will give me: The file of your talk A one page summary of the main points Three possible exam questions PHY100 2 Light from distant sources emitted long ago: look back in time PHY100 3 PHY100 4 Cosmology We assume the following: Homogeneity: matter and energy are evenly distributed on the largest scales Isotropy: the universe looks the same in all directions Universality: the physical laws that govern the universe are the same everywhere (and everywhen) Cosmological Principle: An observer anywhere in the universe sees approximately the same thing No place is special, no edge or center Big Bang theory Hubble: the universe is expanding Observation: all galaxies are receding from us due to this expansion (their recession is NOT due to their own motion) If the universe expanding now, its logical to assume it was smaller before... all galaxies and stars come from a hot, high- density plasma (soup of fundamental particles+energy) PHY100 5 Galaxies are being carried away Doppler effect Measure distance from Earth to galaxy by measuri


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