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The long and short of TIPS
Vanguard research October 2012
Executive summary. Assets can be considered an “inflation hedge” if
either their purchasing power is maintained over the long run or their Authors
nominal returns closely track realized inflation over shorter horizons. Since Joseph Davis, Ph.D.
the introduction of the U.S. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) Roger Aliaga-Díaz, Ph.D.
market in 1997, broad-market TIPS returns have generally met both criteria. Charles J. Thomas, CFA
That said, the aggregate U.S. TIPS market carries considerable interest Nathan Zahm, FSA
rate risk, compared to shorter-maturity TIPS benchmarks. This paper
compares the correlation of U.S. inflation with TIPS benchmarks in three
distinct maturity buckets. We then compare their inflation-hedging
properties to those of other asset classes.
We found that the return on a short-term TIPS benchmark (of 0-to-5-year
maturities) has been more highly correlated to actual monthly and yearly
CPI (Consumer Price Index) inflation than other segments of the U.S. TIPS
market over the past decade. Although, in practice, all TIPS securities
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receive the same CPI principal adjustment, short-term TIPS returns tend to most
closely track actual CPI inflation because of their lower duration and greater
responsiveness to temporary, unexpected inflation spikes. We found similar
results for the United Kingdom’s inflation-linked gilt market, which has existed
since 1981. Short-term TIPS returns have shown markedly lower volatility, yet a
similar or higher inflation correlation, than that observed for certain “real assets”
such as REITs, commodity futures, and gold.
Our results imply that a short-term TIPS portfolio may be a more appropriate
inflation-sensitive investment than the broad TIPS market for risk-averse
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