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ISO 9001 and ISO 9001 and the Field of Higher Education:
Proposal for an Update of the IWA 2 Guidelines
its supporting
Laila El Abbadi, Aboubakr Bouayad, and Mohamed Lamrini
document Abstract
IWA 2 may This paper analyzes IWA 2 guidelines, compares them with the guidance of the ISO 9001
handbook for educational organizations, points out some gaps in these guidelines, and pro-
need to be poses an update to the IWA 2 guidelines to bridge these gaps. The proposed update aims
to make ISO 9001 closer to a specific quality standard in the field of higher education. The
proposed update is made first by suggesting an amendment to the IWA 2 structure (by
amended to adding a reminder about the ISO 9001 requirements, and the consolidation of all defini-
tions into one section) as well as the definitions of product and customer given by these
“[focus] on guidelines. Second, it proposes the addition of new requirements specific to the field of
higher education, namely, “program withdrawal,” “ethics and corporate social responsibil-
social value” ity,” and “financial resources.”
to emphasize Keywords
Higher Education Requirements, ISO 9001:2008, IWA 2, Quality Management
universities face. Throughout the world, higher education institutions (HEIs) are concerned about
insuring and improving the quality of their services and satisfying their customer’s require-
ments. These concerns have led HEIs to implement a quality management/assuran
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