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ISO 9001 and ISO 9001 and the Field of Higher Education: Proposal for an Update of the IWA 2 Guidelines its supporting Laila El Abbadi, Aboubakr Bouayad, and Mohamed Lamrini document Abstract IWA 2 may This paper analyzes IWA 2 guidelines, compares them with the guidance of the ISO 9001 handbook for educational organizations, points out some gaps in these guidelines, and pro- need to be poses an update to the IWA 2 guidelines to bridge these gaps. The proposed update aims to make ISO 9001 closer to a specific quality standard in the field of higher education. The proposed update is made first by suggesting an amendment to the IWA 2 structure (by amended to adding a reminder about the ISO 9001 requirements, and the consolidation of all defini- tions into one section) as well as the definitions of product and customer given by these “[focus] on guidelines. Second, it proposes the addition of new requirements specific to the field of higher education, namely, “program withdrawal,” “ethics and corporate social responsibil- social value” ity,” and “financial resources.” to emphasize Keywords Higher Education Requirements, ISO 9001:2008, IWA 2, Quality Management concerns Introduction universities face. Throughout the world, higher education institutions (HEIs) are concerned about insuring and improving the quality of their services and satisfying their customer’s require- ments. These concerns have led HEIs to implement a quality management/assuran


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