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第 23 卷 第 2 期 山 东 建 筑 大 学 学 报 Vol. 23 No. 2 2008 年 4 月 JOURNAL OF SHANDONG JIANZHU UNIVERSITY Apr. 2008 文章编号: 1673- 7644( 2008) 02- 0145- 05 SCR 脱硝性能影响因素及维护 陈海林, 宋新南, 江海斌, 崔志坤, 张国芳 ( 江苏大学 能源与动力工程学院, 江苏 镇江 212013) 摘要: 我国的氮氧化物污染越来越严重, 燃煤电厂将逐步采用 SCR( 选择性催 化还原) 烟气脱 硝装置, 减少污 染。系 统地 分析了 SCR 脱硝原理, 脱硝性能影响因 素和对策。主要包括: 催化 剂组成 和活性 分析; 氨泄漏、二氧 化硫的 氧 化率对空气预热器的影响; 以及烟气温度、空间速度对脱硝性能的影响, 总结 SCR 脱硝系统的维护 方法。为提高 我 国的 SCR 脱硝性能提供借鉴和指导。 关键词: 烟气脱硝; SCR; 氮氧化物 中图分类号:TK17 文献标识码: A Maintenance and affecting factors for the performance of SCR system CHEN Hailin, SONG Xinnan, JIANG Haibin, et al . ( School of Energy and Power Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China) Abstract: The pollution of nitrogen oxide becomes more and more serious in China; Coalfired power plants are to be equipped with SCR ( the Selective Catalyst Reduction) systems to decrease pollution gradually. The paper introduced the principles of SCR system, affecting factors of its performance and their solution, mainly includ ing the component of catalyst and analysis about its characteristic, ammonia slip, oxidation of sulfur dioxide and its impact on the downstream air preheater, and the influence of the temperature and velocity of boiler flue gas to SCR system, and summarized the methods to maintain the SCR device. The experiments make referenc es for the improvement of efficiency of China s SCR system. Key words: flue gas denox ; SCR; nitrogen oxide 0 引言 重的会造成死亡。


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