A Into-Plane Rotating Micromirror Actuated by a Hybrid Electrostatic Driving Structure.pdf

A Into-Plane Rotating Micromirror Actuated by a Hybrid Electrostatic Driving Structure.pdf

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A Into-Plane Rotating Micromirror Actuated by a Hybrid Electrostatic Driving Structure

第 26 卷  第 9 期 2005 年 9 月 半  导  体  学  报 CHIN ESE J OURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTORS Vol. 26  No. 9 Sep . ,2005 3 Project supported by t he National Natural Science Foundation of China (No . and t he State Technology Innovation Program of Bei2 jing City (No. 772167384624)  Wu Wengang  male ,professor . His current researches are on micro2elect romechanical systems (MEMS) and nano2elect romechanical systems (N EMS) ,etc.  Chen Qinghua  male ,PhD candidate. He mainly focuses on research about optical MEMS.  Received 8 April 2005     ν 2005 Chinese Institute of Elect ronics A Into2Plane Rotating Micromirror Actuated by a Hybrid Electrostatic Driving Structure 3 Wu Wengang 1 , Chen Qinghua 1 , Yin Dongqing 2 , Yan Guizhen 1 , Chen Zhangyuan 2 , Hao Yilong 1 , and Xu Anshi 2 (1 N ational Key L aboratory of Micro/ N ano Fabricat ion Technology , I nstit ute of Microelect ronics , Peking Universit y , Bei j ing  100871 , China) (2 N ational L aboratory on L ocal Fiber2Optic Com munication N etworks A dvanced Optical Communication S ystems , Department of Elect ronics , Peking Universit y , Bei j ing  100871 , China) Abstract : A novel into2plane rotating micromirror actuated by a hybrid elect rostatic driving st ructure is p resented. The hybrid driving st ructure is made up of a planar plate drive and a vertical comb drive. The device is fabricated in SOI subst rate by using a bulk2and2surface mixed silicon micromachining process. As demonst rated by experiment ,the novel driving st ructure can actuate the mirror to achieve large2range continuous rotation as well as spontaneous 90° rotation induced by the pull2in effect . The continuous rotating range of the micromirror is increased to about 46°at an increased yielding voltage. The measured yielding voltages of the mirrors with torsional springs of 1 and 015μm in thickness are 390~ 410V and 140~ 160V , respectively. The optical insertion loss has also been measured to be - 1198dB when the mirror serves as an optical swit


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