
Interaction of a 24 GeV Proton Beam with a Muon Collider Mercury Jet Target. Experimental R.pdf

Interaction of a 24 GeV Proton Beam with a Muon Collider Mercury Jet Target. Experimental R.pdf

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Interaction of a 24 GeV Proton Beam with a Muon Collider Mercury Jet Target. Experimental R

Interaction of a 24 GeV Proton Beam with a Muon Collider Mercury Jet Target. Experimental Results and Thermodynamic Assessment N. Simos1, H. Kirk1, K. McDonald2, C. Finfrock1, G. Greene1, H. Ludewig1, P. Thieberger1, and N. Mokhov3 1Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, USA; simos@ 2Princeton University, USA 3Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA Abstract A muon collider or a neutrino factory based on a muon storage ring require intense beams of muons that can be generated by a 1-4 MW proton beam incident on a moving target inside a 20-T solenoid magnet, with a mercury jet as a preferred example. This paper addresses the thermodynamic interaction of the intense proton beam with the proposed mercury jet target, and the consequences of the generated pressure waves on the target integrity. Specifically, a 24 GeV proton beam with approximately 16 TP (1 TP = 1012 protons) per pulse and a pulse length of 2 ns will interact with a 1 cm diameter mercury jet within the 20-Tesla magnetic field. In one option, a train of six such proton pulses is to be delivered on target within 2 μs, in which case the state of the mercury jet following the interaction with each pulse is critical. Using the equation of state for mercury from the SESAME library, in combination with the energy deposition rates calculated the by the hadron interaction code MARS, the induced 3-D pressure field in the target is estimated. The consequent pressure wave propagation and attenuation in the mercury jet is calculated using a transient analysis based on finite element modeling, and the state of the mercury jet at the time of arrival of the subsequent pulse is assessed. Issues associated with the use of a liquid metal jet as target candidate are addressed as compared to issues in solid targets. Lastly, some experimental results from the BNL E951 experiment are presented and discussed. 1. INTRODUCTION In the conceptualized muon collider or neutrino factory a tightly focused, high intensity pr


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