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疾病之本質: 未知到可知又回到未知 健康照護科學研究所 方素瓔 TA8931050 從史前到古文明 新石器時代人類的頭骨,有明顯被鋸開和傷口邊緣癒合的痕跡。手術的目的仍屬未知,可能是為了釋出附身的魔鬼。 .tw/modules/people/history/world_01.htm 從史前到古文明 殷商時代的甲骨文中找不到「醫」字,卻找得到「毉」字,暗示著當時巫醫相混的情況。 .tw/modules/people/history/world_01.htm 理性醫學的誕生 希波克拉提斯 ( Hippocrates,450 - 370 B.C. )希臘醫學家,西方醫學之父。他是第一個賦予醫學理性內涵的人,以體液失衡來解釋疾病的成因。他相信自然的治癒力,對疾病採取較保守的療法。他認為醫學是以治療為中心的藝術,強調病程的觀察,主張以人道的方式對待病人。 .tw/modules/people/history/world_02.htm 十五世紀醫師隨身攜帶的小型手抄本,記載著由尿液外觀來診斷疾病和由不同部位放血來治療疾病的準則。這些都是「體液說」盛行之下的產物。 .tw/modules/people/history/world_02.htm CLAUDIUS GALEN (131-201) He put great emphasis on clinical observation – examining a patient very thoroughly and noting their symptoms. Galen also accepted the view that disease was the result of an imbalance between blood, phlegm, yellow bile and blood bile. Galen also believed in the healing power of nature and he developed treatments to restore the balance of the four humours. Galen believed in the use of opposites – if a man appeared to have a fever, he treated it with something cold; if a man appeared to have a cold, he would be treated with heat. People who were weak were given hard physical exercises to do to build up their muscles. People who had breathing problems due to a weak chest were given singing exercises. http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/claudius_galen.htm 不同於希氏的保守,他主張對疾病採取主動的介入與治療。他相信身心是一體的,認為治療應兼及身體面與精神面。 .tw/modules/people/history/world_02.htm /home.asp?topic=./search/detailslastpage=./search/resultsID=338 Hippocrates(460BC~377BC)?:論古代疾病 He accurately described disease symptoms and was the first physician to accurately describe the symptoms of pneumonia, as well as epilepsy in children. He believed in the natural healing process of rest, a good diet, fresh air and cleanliness. He noted that there were individual differences in the severity of disease symptoms and that some individuals were better able to cope with their disease and illness than others. /depts/Museum/hippoc.html 中世紀的醫學 中世紀的醫學 阿拉伯名醫Rhaz


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