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金融学院 本科生课程论文 公益信托基金投资的规范性问题分析 评阅人签名:_________复核人签名:_________得分:________ 姓  名 学  号 专  业 课程名称 信托与租赁 指导教师 2016年月日 关键词: Abstract Charitable trust is the use of trust system in philanthropy, which originated from England trust system used in religious donations. That means the trust is established to benefit the public or a range of the public for charitable purpose. And it is usually established by the property, which is provided by the settler, and then the trustee manages and processes the property and puts the trust income into charitable purpose designated in the trust indenture. This part of property is to achieve charitable trust purpose and exists independently, which is called as charitable trust funds. An important trend of modern trust is to make trust more active, the trustee undertakes the more active duties in the management of trust property, one of the above is to invest the trust property. In trust law, “investment” means the trustee carries out the investment in order to secure the trust property and achieve the trust purpose, which can make the trust property generate optimal profits or value rise. Therefore, the core of the research in this paper is how to invest the charitable trust funds. Key Words: Charitable Trust,Funds Investment, Regulation1 引言 1 2公益信托基金基本概述 2 3我国的公益信托基金投资发展 3 4我国公益信托基金投资存在的问题 4 4.1投资信息不透明 4 4.2投资政策不明确 4 4.3受托人职责模糊、风险控制措施弱 5 5我国公益信托投资活动监管制度的完善 6 5.1完善信息披露制度的措施 6 5.2完善内外监督制度的措施? 7 参考文献 8 致谢 9 1 引 言 信托起源于 11 世纪的英国,发展了十个世纪,是人类历史上经济、法律领域双结合的重要交汇。“历史经验表明,信托制度从最初形成之时,就考验推动者传统法律制度的改革。”经过一段时间的发展后,一般在提起信托时,往往会想起英国法律史学家梅特兰的至理名言,大体意思是信托在英国是最伟大的一项法学实践成果,是经历了一个长期的发展过程,在人与人的信任与交往中建立起来的,是英国人民心里最为闪烁的成果。在中国,信托是以一种较为另类的容貌出现的。 我国不少信托公司在公益信托领域进行了一些实践,但是据中国信托业协会发布的《中国信托业发展报告(2013-2014)》统计,公益信托及准公益信托项目截至 2013 年底我国有 39 个,资金总额 129.17 亿元,仅相当于全国信托资产的约 1‰。截至 2014 年底,符合法律要件的公益信托也只有屈指可数的 8 件。尽管公益信托目前在我国整个信托行业的份额很小,但是我国慈善界均认为,目前无法确定公益信托将会给信托市场带来多少创新业务,但是站在慈善从业者的角度看,这是一个非常可观的数字,因为凡是需要信托这种运营和管理模式的捐赠资产往往都是大额的项目。虽然,我国公益信


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