Chinese Tea Culture-1.Teasets.ppt

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Chinese Tea Culture-1.Teasets

Chinese Tea Culture 中国茶文化;Tea Sets 茶具;Water Heaters煮水器具;Teapots and Teacups泡茶器具;Teapots and Teacups泡茶器具;Tea-wares for Drinking and Tasting 品饮器具;Tea Containers承载器具;Tea Containers承载器具;Tea Containers承载器具;Accessories辅助器皿;Tea Ceremony Group茶道组合: Tea funnel茶漏 Tea needle茶针 Tea spoon茶匙 Tea scoop茶则 Tea tongs/clip茶夹 Tea tools holder茶筒;Tea Funnel茶漏: a small round funnel used to prevent tea to spill outside of teapot when place tea into a teapot. ;Tea spoon茶匙:a thin little rake to spoon tea leaf into the teapot. ;Tea tongs/Tea Clip茶夹: is mainly used to clean the tea cup, or take out the useless tea leaves from the teapot. ;Tea towel 茶巾: to?dry?teapot before brewing the tea; clean water at the bottom of?the teapot?or teacup, and?clean?tea?water dripped?on the desktop.;Covered-bowl盖碗/三才杯: The Covered bowl or Sancai Cup consists of three parts: the lid, the cup holders and the body, which stand for the heaven, earth, and human. Brewing with covered bowl also symbolizes the unity of heaven, earth and human and gestate the mellifluence of tea together. 盖碗又称“三才杯”,三才者,天、地、人也。茶盖谓之天,茶 托谓之地,茶碗居中是为人。用盖碗泡茶比喻天,地,人三才合一,共同化育茶的甘美。 ;品饮盖碗茶时,女士用双手,左手持杯托,品饮时右手让杯盖后沿翘起,从缝隙中品茶。 Women should use both hands, hold the saucer with left and make the lid tilt backwards with right hand and drink from the gap. 男士品饮盖碗茶时用一只手,不用杯托,直接用拇指和中指拖住碗沿,食指按碗盖让后沿翘起,品饮。 Men are expected to have the strength to lift the cup with only three fingers: their thumb and middle finger hold the cup’s side and the index finger press the lid and make it tilt backwards then drink. ;Snapshots文化点滴;Snapshots文化点滴;Snapshots文化点滴;Attachments;Thank you!


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