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临沭第一初中教师课时备课 学科:英语 年级: 八年级上学期教时总编号:17 课题Unit 5 SectionA课型听说课课时第 1 课时(总 1课时)主备人 使用人教 学 目 标知识目标:Teaching goals : Vocabulary: lesson , hey , baseball game ,test , piano , guitar , aunt , concert , party . Patterns: Can you come to my party ? Sure, I’d love to . Sorry ,I can’t . I have to … . 3.能力目标:学会邀请别人以及回答的方式. 4.情感目标:培养学生礼貌用语的习惯. 重点 难点重点:1.New words:lesson , hey , baseball game ,test , piano , guitar , aunt , concert , party Targetlanguage:Can you come to my party ?z Sure, Id love to . Sorry ,I cant . I have to … . 难点:能模仿录音组织对话。教法 学法小组合作学习。借助课件与图片。Revision, Learning, Practice and Reading.板 书 设 计Unit 5 Can you come to my party ? Can you come to my party ? Sure, Id love to . Sorry ,I cant . I have to … . 教学过程估时环节教师活动学生活动 估时 二次备课 复 习 热 身 Step 1 leading in Play the song : Happy birthday . Say ,today it’s Meimei’s birthday .She wants to invite you to her birthday party .Can you tell me what she should say ? Ask students to say .1.Read them by themselves. 2.Read them after the teacher. 3 In pairs talk about parts of the body.  5’ Ask some ss who can read the new words well to teach the others. 感 知 体 验Step 2 Pre-task Page 25 ,1a ,1b . Ask ,Can you come to my party ? Ask some students to answer .Ask the students who say I can’t go to say why . Call attention to the words in Activity 1a. Read together . Say ,look at the picture .Ask Ss to tell what they see in each scene . Match the words with the picture and check the answers . Say ,now listen to the recording .Write the name of each person next to his or her picture . Play the recording .Ask Ss to complete the activity individually .Correct the answers . 1.Listen and complete 1b. 2.practice in pairs. 3,Make new conversations. 4.Share their conversation with the whole class. 7’One student stand in front of the classroom and touch his /her each part of the body,the other ss answer in English. 强 化 巩 固 实 践 应


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