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摘 要
本文设计了一个太阳能热水器智能控制系统。它以89C52单片机为核心,配合电阻型4档水位传感器、负温度系数NTC热敏电阻温度传感器、8255A扩展键盘和显示器件 、驱动电路(电磁阀、电加热、报警)等外围器件, 完成对太阳能热水器容器内的水位、水温测量、显示;时间显示;缺水时自动上水,水溢报警;手动上水、参数设置;定时水温过低智能电加热等功能。
This article has designed a intelligence control system for solar-powered water heater. It take the 89C52 microcontroller integrated circuit as the core, the coordinate 4 grades of waters level resistance sensor, the negative temperature coefficient NTC thermistor temperature sensor,the 8255A expansion keyboard and the demonstration component, the actuate circuit (solenoid valve, electric heating, warning) and other periphery component, completes to the water level and temperature measure and demonstrate; the time demonstrate; lack of water automatically upstream, the water overflow warn; fixed time intelligencely electric heat.
The first chapter of this article mainly explained the research situation of the solar-powered water heater intelligence control system and the primary mission of this topic. The second chapter has made the simple introduction to the overall construction of the system .The third chapter introduced with emphasis on the water level and water temperature metering circuit.The fourth chapter introduced the clock circuit .The fifth chapter introduced the demonstration and the keyboard circuit,.The sixth chapter has made the introduction to other circuits. The seventh chapter is the hardware debugging of the water level measuring circuit.
Regarding the process of the water level sensor and water temperature sensor resistance data this system uses the method of the unique RC electric sufficient and discharging. Compared to using the A/D converter, the electric circuit is simple, the production cost is low. Specially it is suitab
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