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羽毛球馆和射击馆 The Badminton Gymnasium and the Shooting Range Hall 解说: 2008年的北京奥运会 除了著名的体育场馆鸟巢和水立方 还有不少专业比赛场馆 在众人眼里 这些场馆或许没有那么高的知名度 但它们同样是科技手段和人性理念的结晶 Narrator: Besides the well-known Bird’s Nest and Water Cube stadiums for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, there are other venues for many professional competitions. These venues may not be as famous as the Bird’s Nest or the Water Cube; still, they represent the quintessence of modern technology and the idea of humanity. 这就是北京工业大学的羽毛球场馆 羽毛球比赛时要求空气的流动速度不能大于每秒0.2米 也就说场内的空气必须几乎是静止的 而在夏季即要吹冷风为观众降温 又要使羽毛球不受风速的干扰 这一点是如何实现的呢 Here is the Beijing University of Technology Gymnasium - venue for the Badminton competitions. During the competition, the wind speed should be less than 0.2 meter per second as required. That means the air is almost static. For summer games, it is necessary to provide air flow to cool down the spectators, and meanwhile, to prevent the badminton interfered by the moving air. How to achieve it? 同期: 张爱林( 羽毛球馆建设办公室主任 ) 我们现在是在观众的脚下或者观众的后面用小孔送风 当然这个送风的方式 流量 速度包括布局 都考虑到了场馆内部的同一个结构特点和空间要求 这样做了多轮的计算机模拟和优化 基本上能达到这个要求 Synchronization Zhang, Ai-lin (the Badminton Gymnasium Construction Director) “Now we install air-condition vents underneath the seat or at the seatback. We have carefully designed the ventilation methods, air flow, wind speed and distribution. Considering the structural characteristics and spatial requirements, we took several rounds of computer simulation and came up with optimization to meet the requirements essentially.” 解说: 体育馆的钢结构体系采用了 张弦穹顶 上部是一个球冠顶面的单层网格 由大量的钢管构成 下部用钢架撑起来 预应力张弦穹顶跨度达93米 把合理的结构体系和优美的建筑形象完美的结合在一起 并有效节省了用钢量 Narrator: The structural system of the Badminton Gymnasium selected the suspension dome structures. The upper layer used steel tubes forming a crown shape grid system. Below, the steel truss system supported the upper grid system. The pre-stressed suspension dome spanned 93 meter in diameter. The design of the Badminton Gymnasium perfectly matched the rational structural sy


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