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第  PAGE 3 页 共  NUMPAGES 3 页 Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. He is very rich though he is always in r__________ . 2. They shouldn’t treat their mother in a rude m________. They should respect her. 3. As a child, you are not p__________to smoke. 4. Mary listened to his long story with p__________ . 5. D__________is the sweet food served after the main course of a meal.[来源:Zxxk.Com] 6. The explorer told the boys about his __________ (冒险)in the Arctic. 7. The boy was __________(漫步) around. 8. I had thought it was a terrible film. On the__________(正相反), it was exciting. 9. I want to see him now __________ (确实). 10. Her excuse for being late was totally __________ (难以置信的). 11.Job-sharing is still a ___________(新奇的,好奇的) concept and it will take a while for employers to get used to it. 12.The night found the boy_____________(徘徊,来回走动) on the _________(人行道) alone. 13.Her confidence grew with the ______________(通道,过去)of time. 14.Well, I did hear that the Bank of England had ___________(发行,出版) two notes in this amount ... 15. She began to s _________ with fear as soon as the roller coaster(过山车) started to run. 16. He bought his wife a __________(真的,真诚的)diamond necklace in memory of their 10th wedding anniversary. 17. It’s bad__________ (礼貌) to talk in a loud voice on the mobile phone in public. 18. You are not ___________(允许) to fish here without a fishing p___________. 19. I went to the American ____________(大使馆)to seek help, but failed. 20. ?Oh, no. I dont want your___________(慈善,施舍). I just want an honest job. 21.The __________ (场景)after the earthquake was horrible. 22.He put the letter into an e_______________ and then put it into a mail-box. 23.How do I open an a____________(账户) with your bank. 24.He is always finding ______________(过错,毛病) with the way I do things. [来源:学科网ZXXK] II 短语填空 1. Mark Twain was ______________(抚养长大) in Hannibal, Missouri, along the Mississippi River. 2. He______________(以最出名) his novels______(以为背景) his boyhood wor


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