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目录 目录 摘要 摘要 土霉素,又名地霉素,氧四环素,属四环素类抗生素,为广谱抑菌剂,许多立克次体属、支原体属、衣原体属、螺旋体对土霉素敏感。它是1949年由美国开发的一种抗生素。 土霉素是一个典型的利用生物工程技术生产的产品,生产工艺涉及种子培养、发酵、酸化、提取、过滤、脱色、结晶、离心和干燥等重要的单元操作和工程概念。本次课程设计进行的是酸化、提炼、干燥工段的工艺设计,该说明书主要对土霉素车间的生产工艺流程进行了简单的概括,并且对酸化、提炼和干燥工段给予了详细介绍。本说明书给出了600t/a土霉素车间的物料衡算的详细计算过程和总结,并将生产中各部分的数据制成了表格。最后,在既得数据和结合工艺流程的基础上绘制了本工段工艺管道及仪表流程的PID图。 关键词:土霉素;物料衡算;工艺流程;提炼工段 Abstract Abstract Oxytetracycline, also known as Geotrichum, oxytetracycline, belonging to the tetracycline antibiotics, as a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent, a lot of Rickettsia, mycoplasma, chlamydia, helicoid of oxytetracycline sensitive. It is in 1949 by the development of an antibiotic. Oxytetracycline is a typical use of biological engineering technology products, the production process involves seed cultivation, fermentation, acidification, extraction, filtration, decoloration, crystallization, centrifugation and drying and other important unit operation and engineering concepts. The curriculum design is acidification, refining, drying in the process design, the specification the main workshop of oxytetracycline production process were summarized briefly, and the acidification, refining and drying section is introduced in detail. This manual gives a detailed calculation process of material balance calculation and 600t/a oxytetracycline workshop summary, and each part of the production data in the table is made. Finally, the process of drawing section piping and instrument flow diagram based on PID data and combined with the vested process. Key words: Oxytetracyline;material balance; production technology; refining process 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u   HYPERLINK \l _Toc28483 1 文献综述  PAGEREF _Toc28483 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc9813 1.1土霉素的理化性质  PAGEREF _Toc9813 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc11581 1.2土霉素的作用机理  PAGEREF _Toc11581 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc18465 1.3土霉素的用途  PAGEREF _Toc18465 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc3282 1.4土霉素的现状及其展望  PAGEREF _Toc3282 2  HYPERLINK \l _Toc2101


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