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 PAGE II 摘 要 本研究以蒙古柳种子为实验材料,研究分析其分别在NaCl、山梨糖醇、pH、NaHCO3、H2O2等不同盐碱类型下不同浓度处理的种子发芽率、发芽势、根长、10天后鲜重和干重等指标。研究结果如下:蒙古柳对于盐碱胁迫具有极强的忍耐能力,无论是以NaCl、山梨糖醇、NaHCO3、H2O2、pH何种胁迫,在一定浓度范围内(NaCl250mM以下,山梨糖醇800mM以下、NaHCO310mM以下、H2O25mM以下、pH 4.8-9.5),蒙古柳几乎都能保持30%以上的发芽率和20%以上的发芽势。在所有的胁迫中,pH值胁迫对于蒙古柳种子萌发产生的影响最少,可以认为蒙古柳对于pH值的耐受力最强。非生物胁迫对于蒙古柳萌发种子的生长,无论是根长、干重和鲜重均产生了不同程度的抑制作用,其中pH胁迫对于蒙古柳种子根长生长的影响最小,而NaHCO3在一定浓度下(3-5mM之间)可以小幅度促进种子鲜重和干重值。 关键字:蒙古柳;种子;非???物胁迫;发芽;生长; Abstract ? This research to Mongolian willow seeds as experimental materials, research and analysis respectively in different salt types of NaCl and Sorbitol, pH, NaHCO3 and H2O2 treated with different concentrations of the Mongolian willow seed germination rate, germination, root length, 10 days after the fresh weight and dry weight of index. Research results were as follows: the Mongolian willow for saline alkali stress has a strong tolerance, both with NaCl and Sorbitol, NaHCO3 and H2O2, pH which stress, in a certain concentration range (below NaCl250mM, below Sorbitol800mM below, NaHCO310mM, H2O25mM, pH 4.8-9.5), Mongolian willow almost all to maintain more than 30% germination rate and more than 20% of germination potential. In all the stress, effects of pH stress on Seed Germination of Mongolia willow produced at least, so that the pH value for Mongolia Liu had the highest tolerance. Abiotic stress for the growth of Salix Mongolia, both root length and dry weight and fresh weight were produced different degrees of inhibition, in which pH stress for Mongolian willow seminal root length growth effects of minimum, and NaHCO3 in certain concentration (3-5mM between) can promotes seed fresh weight and dry weight values are small in magnitude. Keywords: Mongolia willow;seed;abiotic stress;germination;growth PAGE 14 目 录  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc452096833 第一章 引言  PAGEREF _Toc452096833 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc452096834 1.1蒙古柳生物学特性介绍  PAGEREF _Toc452096834 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc452096835 1.1.1生态习性 


haihang2017 + 关注


