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Unit 2 Fit for life 健康生活; “田忌赛马”只是改变了马的出场顺序,却能反败为胜。减肥也是如此,生活习惯上小的调整,却能产生巨大的效果。 Lose weight this way Sometimes simple changes can bring about big results. When it comes to losing weight, here we’ve come up with a list of ways to lose 5 kilograms a year. ; 1. When you go to a restaurant, ask for half of your portion to be put in a doggie bag right away. Even if you only go out twice a week, you’ll easily save enough calories to lose 5 kilograms a year. 2. Switch your afternoon soda to a diet soda to save 150 calories a day. 3. Learn how to add 10 minutes of exercise a day. The goal is 30 minutes a day. If you walk for just 30 minutes, you will lose 6 kilograms a year. ; 4. Cut back on egg yolks. It’s the yolk that contains virtually all of the fat and cholesterol. In most recipes, you can use two egg whites instead of one whole egg. 5. Swap a tall glass of juice for a real orange and you not only save more than 100 calories, but also get some fiber. 6. Replace your regular beer with light beer and save about 50 calories per bottle. 7. Take the stairs every day at work. If you go up and down often enough (say, up and down five flights three or four times a day) you’ve got your 100 calories. ;1. portion n. (食物等的)一份;部分 2. doggie bag餐厅供客人带走未吃完食物的袋子 3. yolk n. 蛋黄 4. cholesterol n. 胆固醇 5. recipe n. 烹饪法; 食谱;写一篇说明文 本单元的写作要求是写一篇说明文。说明文是解说事物、阐明事理的文章。说明文的主要特点:一是知识性和科学性,二是应用性和解说性,三是行文的条理性。语言要简洁,用词要准确,条理要清楚。说明问题要重点突出,切忌面面俱到。; 假设你校举办看图征文活动,题目为“How to Protect Our Eyesight”。请你用英语写一篇短文,指出图中所反映的现象,并从阅读时间、光线、眼睛保健及睡眠等方面,谈谈保护视力的具体做法。; 注意: 1. 词数: 120左右; 2. 可适当加入细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 参考词汇: 近视的 short-sighted。 How to Protect Our Eyesight _____________________________________________________________________________________________________


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