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PAGE  PAGE 10 Unit 3 Science versus nature Period one (学案) The perfect copy Reading comprehension The passage is mainly about_______. A. what cloning is B. the advantage of cloning C. arguments about cloning human embryos D. the disadvantage of cloning 2. We can learn from the two letters_______. A. both of the writers are pro-cloning. B. both of the writers are anti-cloning. C. neither of the writers are against cloning. D. both of the writers are not for cloning human embryos Main idea Part 1(para 1) __________________________________________________________ Part 2(para 2) __________________________________________________________ Part 3(para 3-4) __________________________________________________________ Part 4(para 5-6) __________________________________________________________ Pro-cloningAnti-cloning  illegal/immoral/irresponsible/irrelevant beyond our imagination ______________ (P41) announce vt. 宣布, 通告,正式宣布, 宣告, 预言,广播(电台节目) announce (to sb.) sth announce sth. To sb. 宣布/发表某事 announce (to sb.) that…发表……事 it is announced that… 据称…… announcement n. 通告,宣告,通知 make an announcement通知 on (the) one hand…,on the other hand… 一方面…,另一方面 I want to go there. On the one hand I have enough time; on the other hand I like it very much. On one hand, rapid development of the economy will improve the living conditions of the people. On the other hand, it will speed up environmental destruction. point out point to point at point out sth to sb ( to sb that…) 指出;把注意力引向 point sth. At There is no point in doing… ________________ to the point___________ off the point__________ On the other hand, many people… interfere with nature,… they may be on their way to producing… monster. (翻译并分析句子成分) 另一方面,包括一下科学家在内的很多人则持不同意见,他们担心如果人类用这种方式干涉自然那就可能离制造一个现实生活中Frankenstein 怪物不远了。 ①mankind/ man 全人类 U 0冠词 human beings/nature ②on one’s way to (doing) sth


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