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Period five Project Having a debate ;Leading in: appreciate some scenes in some movies;Read the article and give the main idea for each paragraph. ;Paragraph;Read it again and answer the following questions. 1. What have people done to nature? 2. If we continue in this way, what might happen? ;3. What different attitude towards environmental conservation?;4. What is the attitude of poorer nations towards the problem? What about the attitude of developed nations?;Discuss :;Language points:;We further damage earth by constructing new water… construct: v. 建造,建设,构造 construction n. 建造,建设 constructive adj. 有建设性的,有帮助的 under construction 正在修建 The story is skillfully constructed. 故事的构思相当巧妙。 ;…development should be stopped in favour of nature? in favour of: 有利于,赞同(接名词、代词和动名词) ask a favour of 拜托某人 do sb. a favour = do a favour for sb. 帮助某人 find favour with a person 受青睐 favour sb. with sth.对某人施…恩惠;From the point of view of sb… point of view :观点,着眼点 view: n. 观点,看法,见解 辨析:view / opinion / idea view侧重于对比较广泛、重大或者有关公众问题所采取的态度,比较固定、系统。全面的见解; opinion是对某事或某人持有的看法或舆论 idea是处置某事的计划、判断、理解或对其实现之可能性进行评测;He holds an opinion opposite to our. 他持有与我们相反的意见。 Do you have any idea of what I’m trying to explain?你知道我努力要解释的是什么吗? Different social classes hold different political views.不同的社会阶级有不同的政治观点。;Other people argue that … argue: v. 争辩,辩论,主张 argue with sb. about /over sth. 因某事同某人争论 argue for / against sth. 为赞成或反对某事而争辩 argue that… 主张… argue sb. Into / out of doing sth. 说服某人做/停止做某事 ;辨析:argue/debate/quarrel/discuss argue指说理、论证,侧重摆事实,试图说服对方,也可能是激烈的交换意见,以以致争吵; debate指正式的辩论,交锋 quarrel指由于对某事不满而生气,同某人争吵,吵架 discuss讨论,着重指交换意见,不含有说服对方的意???。;…using up natural resources at a fast rate… rate : n. 比率,速度,地方税,价格 v. 对…评价,认为 the rate of finished products 成品率 be sold at a high rate 以高价出售 postal rates 邮费 rates and taxes 地方税和国家税 He works at a high rate.他工作效率很高。;…like many developed nations have. developed: adj. 发达的,成熟的 developing adj. 发展中的 development n. 发展,生长,进化 develop v. 发展,培育,制订,成长


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