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PAGE  PAGE 13 Module 5 Unit 3 Science Versus Nature Welcome to the unit: Science is developing so fast that it is beyond our imagination. 科学发展如此之快,以致于超出了我们的想像。 beyond prep. (表范围)越出(某事物)范围;超越: (表位置)在或向(某物)的远处: *beyond one’s power________________ *beyond praise _________________ *be beyond sb. _________________ ①自行车没法修理了。____________________r. ②We can’t see anything beyond the river because of the fog. __________________________________ ③ The beauty of the West Lake in Hangzhou is _________ description. A. with B. in C. beyond D. on Reading: The perfect copy A recent announcement by scientists that … announcement n. 宣告,通告 *make an announcement announce v.宣布; 宣告; 发表 *announce sth. (to sb.) *announce (to sb.)that ①She announced the winner of the competition to an excited audience. _____________________________________________________________ ②宣布比赛什麽时候开始了吗? _____________________________________________ 比较declare v. 正式宣布(某事); 表明: declare sth./that/ sb. (to be) declare `war (on/against sb) _____________ declare the meeting open/closed ___________________ She was declared (to be) guilty. _____________ …has caused much debate and has shocked many people around the world. shock v [尤用於被动语态] 使(某人)震惊; *sth. shock sb. *sb. be shocked at/by sth./ to do *sth. be shocking 令人震惊的 He was quite ________ to hear the __________ news. 她所说的真的让我很震惊。 _________________________________/ _________________________________ n. [C] 震惊; 震骇; 惊愕; 强烈的冲击或震动 ①I felt the shock as the aircraft hit the ground. _______________________________________ ②听说他的病很严重, 我吃了一惊. ________________________________________ On the other hand, some scientists point out that if you clone an embryo… on the one hand, on the other (hand) 一方面,另一方面 我不想去那里。 一方面因为我没时间,另一方面我没钱。 ___________________________________________________________ 与hand 有关的短语: give/lend sb. a hand __________________ by hand___________ hand in hand ________________ at hand ___________ ha


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