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M5·Unit 3 Science and nature; 1、 adopt vt. 收养;采用; adoption n. 采纳,采用,收养  adopted adj. 领养的,采纳的  adapt 改编;使适应;用adopt或adapt的适当形式完成句子 ①Our school ____________ a new teaching method lately. ②They are not my real parents; I am ________. ③He tried hard to ________ himself to the new conditions. ④Since the ________ of the new working method, production has gone up.;2、exact adj. 确切的,精确的; 精确无误的,精密的;exactly adv. 准确地;3、favour;3、 favour;I am all in favor of equal pay for equal work. 我完全赞成同工同酬。;用favour的适当形式翻译下列各句 ①你偏爱哪个颜色? ______________________________________________ __________________________;②学生赞成改革。 _______________________________________________ _________________________;③他将这视为极大的恩惠。 _____________________________________________ ______________________;④谁是你特别喜欢的作家? ______________________________________________ _________________________;4、anxiety n.;anxious adj. 焦虑的,挂念的(+about/at/for) 对……感到焦虑;5、 intention 目的;企图;意图;◆The chair was intended for you, but he took it away. 那椅子原来是给你准备的,可是给他拿走了。 ◆It was intended to be cooked slowly. 这种食物本来是要用慢火煮的。 ◆I intend to report you to the police. 我打算向警方告发你。;①我们的本意是帮助那些不能够支付教育费用的贫困儿童。 It is ____________________________ who cant afford their education.;②那句话本来只是个玩笑。 That remark ______________________________________________. ;6、consequence n.; consequent adj. 作为结果的,随之发生的,因……而引起的  consequently adv. 所以,因此,相当于as a result, therefore  as a consequence 所以,因此  as a / in consequence of 因为;①你做了个错误决定,现在必须承担后果。 You made the wrong decision, and now you must ________________.;②由于你的懒惰和粗野,我不得不辞退你。 ____________________ your laziness and rudeness, I am forced to dismiss you.;③银行拒绝资助这家公司,因此该公司破产了。 The bank refused to help the company; ____________, it went bankrupt.;④这对我无关紧要。 Its ____________________ to me.;7、majority n. 大???数,大部分,多数票;◆ The majority of criminals are young people. 大部分的罪犯是年轻人。 ◆ The party I support has won by a majority of 264 votes. 我支持的政党以264票多数票获胜。;①大多数人赞成这个建议。 The majority ___________________________ in favour of the proposal


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