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Unit Five;Part I Text A; Pre-reading Activities;Pre-reading Activities;1. From the pictures above, can you guess all their occupations? 2. Which jobs require them to wear uniforms?;3. What do they work?;Pre-reading Activities;Pre-reading Activities;Read the following Mini Text and find the words or expressions that match the context meaning given.;e) ____________: existing or happening outside an organization f) ____________: put a plan or system into operation g) ____________: a situation in which important information must be kept secret h) ____________: spoken rather than written i) ____________: organize an activity so that people involved in it work well together ;Mini Text ;Mini Text ;Mini Text ;Language Points;Language Points;总体目标 通过管理和组织行政职责和活动,包括接收和处 理信,给管理部门和公司提供个人的行政支持。 主要的工作任务及职责 ● 准备及管理报告和文件 ● 组织及协调会议和行程安排 ● 做会议记录及进行分类和分发 ;● 执行和维持办公室系统 ● 维系时间表及日程表 ● 安排及确认会客 ● 控制内部及外部的信息流 ● 处理接收邮件及其他资料 ● 建立和维系分类系统 ● 对疑问进行书面及口头的回答及提供信息 ● 操作办公设备 ● 管理办公空间;核心能力 ● 口头及文字交流能力 ● 保密性 ● 规划及组织能力 ● 时间规划能力 ● 人际关系处理能力 ● 具备顾客导向;Task 3;3. Do you think a person who is always late can do his/her job well as a secretary? 4. According to the previous question, why? ;5. Can you list four job duties which you think you can do well? 6. According to the previous answer, can you explain what attributes you have that make you do your job well?;Task 4;Reading of Text A;Text A;Text A;Text A;Text A;Text A;Text A;Text A;Language Points;Language Points;Language Points;Language Points;Language Points;Language Points;Language Points;Language Points;Language Points;Language Points;Language Points;Language Points;Language Points;Language Points;Language Points;Language Points;Language Points;Language Points;Translation of Text A;Translation of Text A;Translation of Text A;Translation of Text A;Translation of Text A;Translation of Text A;Translation of Text A;Comprehension;



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