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第  PAGE 6 页 共  NUMPAGES 6 页 模块3 unit. 1 Period three 教案 Task 陈月琴 Teaching aims: Task Teaching goals: Make Ss know the sequence of a story. Train Ss’ ability of telling a story effectively by using pictures with speech bubbles. Improve Ss’ ability of writing a story by using adjectives and adverbs and how to prepare a surprise ending.. Teaching important and difficult points: Make sure Ss know the importance of adjectives and adverbs in the story. Enable Ss to write a story correctly. Teaching procedures Step 1 Revision 1. Check homework. 2. Do some exercises to revise the noun clauses.[来源:学科网ZXXK] Step 2 Skills building 1: Plotting a story Plot: The sequence of events in a story is called the plot. A plot tells what happens to the characters in a story. 1. Exposition: It comes at the beginning of the story and introduces the Setting and the main characters (Who? Where? When? Why/) Plot 2. Complication: It comes in the middle of the story and tells about the problems experienced by the characters. 3. Resolution: It comes at the end of the story and tells how the problem is solved or how the story ends Ask students to read part A on page  HYPERLINK \o 欢迎登陆全品高考网 13. They need to know what they have been asked to do and what information they should get when listening to the tape. Have them complete the checklist individually, and then ask them to check their answers with their partners to see if they have the same answers. The class can listen to the recording again if necessary. Ask students to listen to the conversation and answer the questions in Part B. After they finish this part, let them check their answers with their partners to make sure that they have got the correct answers. Tell students that they will write the beginning of the story using their answers in Part B. Possible example: It happened in this summer. One morning at about 10, Sandy and her classmates went to the museum together with their te



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