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Period Four Project 基础落实 Ⅰ.根据课文内容判断正(T)、误(F) 1.Only the Chinese are concerned about the health of the Yangtze River. (  ) 2.All the illegal hunting of animals in the Yangtze River has been stopped. (  ) 3.People haven’t seen white-flag dolphins for years. (  ) 4.The amount of carbon is becoming larger with more petrol and electricity consumed. (  ) 5.You’d better throw away paper products in time. (  ) Ⅱ.根据课文内容填空 ParagraphMain IdeaPara.11.________________ of the Yangtze River has raised concern.Para.2 Many people have recognized the importance of 2.________ the Yangtze River and many environmental organizations and projects have been 3.________ up.Para.3Two special government projects are under 4.________ to protect the river.One is the water and soil 5.________ project.Para.4The second project is a nature 6.________ for white-flag dolphins.Para.5The environmental situation on the Yangtze River is 7.________.Ⅲ.单词检测 1.n.范围;一系列;山脉________ 保护________ 气候________ 碳________ 车辆________ 汽油________ 引擎________ 燃料________ 十年________ 2.v.欣赏;感谢;领会________ 消耗;消费________ 吸收;理解;使全神贯注________ 3.adj.非法的________ 电的________ 讲究的;特别的;特指的________ Ⅳ.短语检测 1.依靠,依赖rely ________ 2.导致(结果)result ________ 3.关于________ regard ________ 4.在进行中under ________ 5.最后但仍然很重要的事________ but not ________ 6.排放let ________ 7.尤其,特别________ particular 8.尽自己的职责do one’s ________ Ⅴ.选词填空 eq \x(be responsible for,run out of,hide...from,take...into consideration,cut back on) 1.We will ________ your recent behaviour ________________ when marking your examination papers. 2.The police believe that the same man ____________________ three other murders in the area. 3.Several big hospitals are ______________________ their employees at the moment. 4.I’m beginning to ____________________ patience before achieving the goal. 5.We’ll have to ________ him ________ the police.They want to arrest him. Ⅵ.句型转换 1.He seems to have mistaken a plus for a minus. →________ ________ ________ he


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