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Unit 1 A Trip to the Silk Road;group bridge cross wide cheese;1. To know about some famous sights in Lanzhou 2. To learn some key words and useful expressions 3. To learn the following sentence patterns: The Silk Road crossed the Yellow River in Lanzhou. The Yellow River is so wide. Can we take a picture? They go for a walk along the Yellow River.;Words: group, bridge, cross, wide, cheese;The Lanzhou Zhongshan Bridge;The Yellow River in Lanzhou;The Mother River Statue;Click it.;Listen and circle the correct words.;Answer the following questions.;Read and try to recite the conversations in 5minutes.;1. Role play in groups; 2. Role play in front of the class;Translate the phrases into English.;go for a walk;Fill in the blanks.;In English, when were taking a photo of someone, its common to say Say cheese! to get them to smile. By saying cheese, most people form their mouths into what appears to be a smile-like shape. ;In other cultures: In China, the word used is 茄子, meaning eggplant. In Denmark, Sig appelsin, meaning Say orange is often used. In Korea, one says kimchi. In Finland, Muikku is the word often used by photographers to make people smile. In France and other French-speaking countries, the word ouistiti, meaning marmoset, is often used. ;The Little Mermaid statue(小美人鱼铜像)is a world famous statue. It’s in Denmark. The statue is 1.5 metres high. Its feet are a fish’s tail. It comes from The Daughter of the Sea(安徒生童话《海的女儿》)。 ;The Statue of Liberty (自由女神像) is 46 metres high. It’s in New York. Its right hand holds (拿着) the torch. Its left hand holds The Declaration of Independence (独立宣言). It leads people to fight for freedom.;Language points ;1. Later, they go for a walk along the Yellow River.;2. Can we take a picture in front of the statue, Ms. Martin? ;Now 2 mins to test your spelling.;I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式。;1. 高先生每天晚上在花园里散步。 2. 请沿着大街走,然后向左拐。 3. 一个高个子男孩坐在我前面,所以我看不到黑板。 4. 很多人正在拍这个瀑布的照片。 5. 张烁喜欢坐火车旅行。;1. 学了本课,你对黄河是不是有了更多的了解呢?请上网查找有关黄河的更多资料,来介绍一下我们的母亲河。7


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