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Ansys 单元生死一例  HYPERLINK /blog/ \l m=0t=1c=fks_087065086080086069093084074070085087088068080 \o 默认分类 默认分类 2010-04-07 11:32:02 阅读258 评论0 ??字号:大中小?订阅 finish /clear /title, Convection Example /prep7 ! Enter the preprocessor ! define geometry k,1,0,0 ! Define keypoints k,2,0.03,0 k,3,0.03,0.03 k,4,0,0.03 a,1,2,3,4 ! Connect the keypoints to form area ! mesh 2D areas ET,1,Plane55 ! Element type MP,Dens,1,920 ! Define density mp,c,1,2040 ! Define specific heat mp,kxx,1,1.8 ! Define heat transfer coefficient esize,0.0005 ! Mesh size amesh,all ! Mesh area finish /solu ! Enter solution phase antype,4 ! Transient analysis time,60 ! Time at end of analysis nropt,full ! Newton Raphson - full lumpm,0 ! Lumped mass off nsubst,20 ! Number of substeps, 20 neqit,100 ! Max no. of iterations autots,off ! Auto time search off lnsrch,on ! Line search on outres,all,all ! Output data for all substeps kbc,1 ! Load applied in steps, not ramped IC,all,temp,268 ! Initial conditions, temp = 268 nsel,s,ext ! Node select all exterior nodes sf,all,conv,10,368 ! Apply a convection BC nsel,all ! Reselect all nodes /gst,off ! Turn off graphical convergence monitor solve finish /post1 ! Enter postprocessor set,last ! Read in last subset of data etable,melty,temp, ! Create an element table esel,s,etab,melty,273 ! Select all elements from table above 273 finish ANSYS基坑开挖及混凝土回填(单元生死) finish /clear /filname,dig /title,element birth and death-dig !第一步;创建挖掘过程仿真用的有限元模型 /prep7 et,1,plane42,,,1 mp,ex,1,2.675e9 !土 mp,nuxy,1,0.3375 mp,dens,1,1000 mp,ex,2,2.85e10 !混凝土 mp,nuxy,2,0.17 mp,dens,2,2548 !创建基坑旋转几何面 rectng,0,7.5,0,4 rectng,0,7.5,4,4+11/3 rectng,0,7.5,4+11/3,4+11*2/3 rectng,0,7.5,4+11*2/3,15 rectng,4,4.5,0,15 aptn,all /pnum,line,1 /pnum,area,1 /number,0 lplot !定义径向各线上单元份数 lsel,s,loc,x,2 lesize,all,,,4,,,,,1 lsel,s,loc,x,4.25 lesize,all,,,2,,,,,1 lsel,s,loc,x,6 lesize,all,,,3,,,,,1 !定义高度方向各线上的单元份数 lsel,s,loc,x,0 lsel,a,loc,x,4 lsel,a,loc,x,4.5 lsel,a,loc,x,7.5 lesize,all,,


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