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句子翻译 Chapter 1 The people’s Republic of China is situated in the east of Asia and on the west of the Pacific Ocean. 中华人民共和国位于亚洲东部,太平洋西部。 China has beautiful scenery, inlaid with mountains and ranges, highlands and hills, and plains and basins. 中国有美丽的风景,高山和山脉,高原和丘陵,平原和盆地。 As a large united multi-national state, China is composed of 56 ethnic groups. 作为一个大的统一的多民族国家,中国是由56个民族组成的。 Jiangsu is one of the most developed and still developing areas in China in economy, technology and culture. 江苏是中国最发达的地区之一, 经济、技术和文化处于蓬勃发展中。 5. Wuxi, located in Jiangsu Province, has always been brilliant throughout the long history of China. 无锡位于江苏省, 一直在中国悠久的历史中占有重要地位。 Chapter 2 Wuxi is the cradle of the Wu Culture, with a civilization history of more than 6,000 years. 无锡是吴文化的摇篮, 有着6000多年的文明历史。 A very intelligent military strategist named Sun Zi played a rather decisive role in thriving and prospering State Wu. 孙子是一个很聪明的军事战略家,他对吴国的蓬勃发展和繁荣发挥有决定性的作用。 According to Forbes ranking, Wuxi is ranked third for best business cities in Mainland China I 2008. 根据《福布斯》的排名,无锡在“2008年中国大陆最佳商业城市”位居第三。 Chapter 3 Wuxi is a very famous and prosperous city in the Yangtze Delta, maintaining sound and stable development of its economy and society. 无锡位于长江三角洲,是一个非常著名的繁华城市, 经济和社会健康稳定发展。 As far back as Yuan Dynasty, Wuxi had been the cluster of rice tribute of the neighborhood counties. 早在元代,无锡便是周边地区米贡的集散地。 The important industries of Wuxi include machinery, electronics, chemicals, textiles and construction materials. 无锡的重要产业包括机械、电子、化工、纺织和建筑材料。 Chapter 4 Since the establishment of the Kingdom of Wu by prince Taibo, Wuxi has started its glorious history of growth and prosperity. 王孙泰伯建吴以来,无锡便开始蓬勃发展,经济繁荣。 In my ears are the sounds of wind, rain and reading; to my concern are the affairs of households, country and the mass. 风声、雨声、读书声,声声入耳;家事、国事、天下事??事事关心。 WSOC consists of 5 departments- the department of automotive engineering and management, the department of international business, the department of electronic information


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