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The Prince of Egypt 1.The motion picture you are about to see is an adaptation of the Exodus story. While artistic and historical license has been taken, we believe that this film is true to the essence, values and integrity of a story that is a cornerstone of faith for millions of people worldwide. The biblical story of Moses can be found in the book of Exodus. 由《出埃及记》改编。虽然对其进行了艺术史诗加工,但仍保持着故事原有的精神、价值与尊严,该故事是全球亿万人信仰的基础。摩西斯的神圣事迹,在《出埃及记》中有所描述。 2. With the sting of the whip on my shoulder; With the salt of my sweat on my brow. 我的肩膀受到鞭挞;我的脸上淌着咸汗。 3. God on high 天上的神灵 Lord of all 万物之主 The morning and evening star 日月星辰之王 4. Safe may you stay. 祝你永远平安 5. Where’s your sense of fun? 你的历险精神哪去了? 6. –You’ve always looked up to me. –Yes, but it’s not much of a view. –你一直向我看齐。 –没错,不过没什么看头。 7. –You don’t think we will get in trouble for this, do you? –No. Not a chance! –你不认为我们会为此受到惩罚,是吗? –当然不会! 8. Do you understand the task for which your birth has destined you? 你知道你与生俱来的使命吗? 9. One damaged temple does not destroy centuries of tradition. But one weak link can break the chain of a mighty dynasty! 一座倒塌的神庙不能毁掉我们的传统。但是,脆弱的一环却能摧毁整个王朝! 10. He must not allow himself to be led astray. 他不能让别人领入歧途。 11. He will live up your expectations. 他不会辜负你的期望。 12. Statues cracking and toppling over. The Nile drying up. Single-handedly, you will manage to bring the greatest kingdom on earth to ruin. 石像崩裂倒塌,尼罗河干枯。你一个人把世界上最伟大的王朝搞垮。 13. Why is it that every time you start something, I’m the one who ends up in trouble? 为什么每次你闯祸,到头来都是我倒霉? 14. I think you owe us an apology. 你得向我们道歉。 15. I’m drenched again. 我又湿透了! 16. I figured it out. 我弄明白了。 17. I’m done for! 完了! 18. Not much of a snake charmer, are you? 你可不是个会耍蛇的人,不是吗? 19. an arrogant, pampered palace brat 骄纵无礼的王子 20. You go too far. 你太过分了。 21. Last night, the gods granted me a vision. 昨晚,神明给了我一个启示。 22. Fate has turned our little misadventure into a great opportunity. 命运把我们的小失误变成了一个伟大的契机。 23. We can take care of that. 我们可以解决这个问题。 24. If I say day is night,


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