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·胸部肿瘤· 分子标志物指导同步放化疗不能手术 食管癌前瞻性非随机对照临床研究 杨哲  戴洪海  冯阿磊  李强  吕东晓  韩俊庆 250021 济南,山东大学附属省立医院肿瘤研究治疗中心 通信作者:韩俊庆,Email:hanjunqing1960@ 126.com DOI:10.3760 / cma.j.issn.1004⁃4221.2016.08.004     【摘要】   目的   探讨依据分子标志物筛选药物同步放化疗不能手术食管鳞癌的疗效。方法 2010—2013年间54例进入研究,实验组26例,对照组28例。 放疗均采用常规分割 IMRT,剂量60~66 Gy,化疗在放疗第 1、5周给予。 实验组化疗药物根据 ERCC1、TYMS、RRM1、TUBB3 基因 mRNA 表达 水平选择,对照组化疗采用顺铂+氟尿嘧啶。 主要观察两组客观有效率和 OS 情况。 Kaplan⁃Meier 方 法计算 OS率并 Logrank检验,余用 χ2 检验。 结果  实验组随访率 100%,对照组随访率 96%。 实验组 和对照组患者有效率分别为 85%和 86%(P= 0􀆰 483),中位 OS期分别为 35􀆰 5个月和 25􀆰 8个月,1、2、 3年OS率分别为 84%、68%、46%和 71%、59%、28%(P= 0􀆰 047),不良反应发生率相近。 结论  根据 分子标志物筛选药物同步放化疗,可提高不能手术食管癌患者 OS率,值得进一步研究。 【关键词】   食管肿瘤 /放化疗法;  放化疗法,同期;  分子标志物;  预后 Prospective non⁃randomized clinical study of biomarker⁃guided concurrent chemoradiotherapy for unrescetable esophageal squamous cell carcinoma   Yang Zhe,Dai Honghai,Feng Alei,Li Qiang,Lyu Dongxiao,Han Junqing Tumor Research and Therapy Center, Shandong Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University,Ji’nan 250021,China Corresponding author:Han Junqing,Email:hanjunqing1960@ 126.com     【Abstract】  Objective  To evaluated the efficacy of biomarker⁃guided concurrent chemoradiotherapy in unrescetable esophageal squamous cell carcinoma patients. Methods  54 cases of unrescetable esophageal squamous cell carcinoma were enrolled in the prospective non⁃randomized clinical study and divided into study group and control group. All cases were treated with concurrent chemoraditherapy. Intensity⁃modulated radiation therapy was used with a dose of 60⁃66 Gy. Chemotherapy was perfromed on day 1 and d29.In the study group the selection of the chemotherapy drug was based on the excision repair cross⁃complementation 1 (ERCC1),thymidylate synthetase (TYMS),ribonucleotide reductase M1(RRM1),and the β⁃tubulin isotype Ⅲ(TUBB3) mRNA expression levels. In the control group,the regiment for chemotherapy was Cisplatin plus Fluorouracil. The objective response rate and overall survival ( OS) were calculated using Kaplan⁃me


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