外贸英语函电Chapter 6 Conclusion of business.ppt

外贸英语函电Chapter 6 Conclusion of business.ppt

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外贸英语函电Chapter 6 Conclusion of business

Chapter 6 Conclusion of business;Main contents:;;;; Dear XX, Thank you for your letter of …. We really appreciate your effort to pave the way for our business. So we are glad to place Order No…….as follows: ;; We expect to find a good market for the above and hope to place further and larger orders with you in the near future. Yours sincerely, ; Writing Steps;;1. …we confirm having purchased from you 1000 long tons of the captioned goods on the following terms and conditions: = We confirm the following order with you: 2. terms and conditions 条件条款(通常联用,涵盖大小条款) The terms and conditions of this contract are quite reasonable. 合同里的条款还比较合理。 3. captioned goods 标题项下的物品Genoa ; Writing Steps (回复订单);; Dear sirs: We thank you very much for your order of Aug 3. After careful consideration on your request, however, we have to come to the conclusion that we cannot but decline the said order. In order to meet the specification for your order we would have to install a large amount of special equipment at our plant, and this would not be possible without interrupting our normal production. This is something we can not afford to, as we will be heavily committed to orders for the rest of the year.; We regret not to accept your order, but hope that you will understand our situation. Please let us have any other inquires of yours, as we shall be only too pleased to meet yours requirements. Yours sincerely,;1. come to the(a) conclusion 得出结论 Since we have received no refusal for our offer, we come to the(a) conclusion that you have accepted it. 2. cannot but 不得不 As there is no direct steamer to your port this month, we cannot but ship the goods via HongKong. 3. decline 谢绝 We regret we have to decline your order. 4. can(not) afford (不)能做到 Our clients are in urgent need of the goods, they cannot afford to wait.;Points for attention: 出口成交; 成交函是一种典型的通知类信函,在写法上与建立贸易关系函,发盘函和还盘函都有所不同。 成交函最主要目的是要告诉对方销售合同已寄出,希


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